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As the weeks went by, I saw very little of Peter. Not because I didn't want to but I think he was avoiding me. And he was throwing himself into school so he wouldn't think of not being a superhero anymore. I hadn't heard from him in weeks, at least until I got a phone call that sounded urgent. I rushed myself to May's apartment and burst through the door. "What's the SOS?!" I shouted, running into the living room.

"I asked Liz to the dance! I need help." Mentally, I groaned.

"Ok, first of all, that is not the appropriate use of an SOS. But besides that, Peter! That's amazing. I'm so happy for you."

"We don't have time to waste. The dance is tonight." May tells the two of us. So we got to work. While she teaches Peter how to dance, I pick out a suit for Peter to wear and I run out to buy him a corsage for Liz. It might not be the prom but girls always love flowers. May prepares a pink ribbon corsage for him. And I make sure Peter knows how to tie a proper knot. We choose the Windsor knot and make sure that it looks right for the dance. May hands him the corsage in a box for him to give to Liz.


Looking at the time, we rush Peter to the car. We drove to Liz's house, which happens to be the same house where the party was the other week, when all of this craziness began. "It's game day. So, what's the plan?"

"Open the door for her." May and I nod encouragingly. "Tell her she looks nice, but not too much because that's creepy." We keep nodding. "And, uh, when I dance with her, I'm putting my hands on her hips. I got this." Peter gets out of the car and leans in through the window. "Love you. Both of you." I smile, looking at Peter. He was growing up so fast. And I haven't even been in his life that long. I can't imagine how May feels. We watch Peter walk up to the front door and as soon as we see the door open, we know that he is ok.


Takeoff for the new Avengers Tower was in just a few minutes. I had taken all of my boxes out of my room. As I looked back, I had a small smile on my face. It was so weird to see this room so empty. Most of the boxes were packed up onto the plane. There was only so much left to pack away. And I am sure that if I walked by Happy, he would tell me exactly how much time was left before takeoff. As I was carrying my remaining boxes to my car, since it was all personal stuff, I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket, which was weird because I thought I had it on ring. But after I put the box in the car, I answered my phone. "Hello. Clara, speaking."

"Ms. Williams, it's Ned! The chair guy." I was confused as to why Ned was calling me at all.

"Yes Ned, I know who you are. What's going on?"

"Peter... Liz's dad is the vulture guy and Peter put his phone in his car and we're tracking them... and Peter told me to call you and call happy, but Happy didn't let me talk and Peter really needs help!"

"Where do I need to go?" I ask him, opening the box where my uniform was.


Ned told me where to go and I was off in seconds. Ned promised to patch me in on the coms but he had yet to do so. When Ned never patched me in, I knew something was wrong. I drove faster towards Peter's location, which was the only thing that Ned had sent me. I barely had time to park the car, running into the abandoned building. Noticing the rubble, I ran towards it, hearing a boy crying out, "Come on, Peter. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man!"

"Peter!" He lifts the rubble just enough to get out from under it. And I grab his arm, pulling him out from the rest of the debris. I hold him close. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." Peter, still weak, stands up with my help.

"We have to stop him. He's going to steal from the Avengers." I look up at the billboard that Peter is pointing at, and at the same time that the vulture takes off, the plane takes off from the Avengers Tower. Peter grabs my waist and shoots his web, attaching it to the end of the vulture. Vulture goes after the plane as Peter and I hold on tight, Peter holding onto the web and me holding onto Peter. We were way too high up for me to let go. As Vulture goes higher and higher up, the night view of New York City gets smaller and smaller under my feet. I try so hard not to look down, but we're so high up that down is all I can see.

Vulture flies to the bottom of the plane and holds on. Peter bumps into the plane a few times, but manages to grab onto it and I keep holding onto Peter. I do not have sticky fingers. Vulture puts the matter phase shifter on the plane, creating a small rectangular window, and moves inside. Peter tries to follow Vulture, but loses his grip and almost falls off the plane. "Throw me." I yell at Peter, mostly because I can't hear a damn thing from way up here, but Peter can hear me and he flings me towards the open portal. Liking the feeling of solid ground, or whatever is closest to solid ground, I quietly follow being the vulture, not wanting to get caught. I just had to get to the cockpit. Vulture walks to the front and rips out the door. The cockpit is empty. I stay behind, not wanting to get caught. Vulture connects a device to the plane.Vulture manipulates the cockpit dashboard, piloting the plane off track. He moves back to the back of the plane and starts opening boxes. Rows and rows of Chitauri guns, arc reactors, etc. He takes out an Iron Man mask and throws it on the floor. The air pressure inside the cabin drops, activating the alarm. And it is with that Vulture knows that we are here, or at least that Peter is here. He growls in anger, putting on his wing suit. As soon as the vulture is out of the plane, I move to the cockpit. Notifications light up the panel of the plane. Panels left and right are going out. We start to lose altitude as we lose a propeller. And then one engine gets set on fire. When I finally get myself to look out the big windows, I can see us heading straight for the heart of the city. I turn off autopilot and grab the yoke for dear life. I try to change the plane's direction but Vulture tears open the ceiling and holds a box in his claws. I ignore him, turning the plane, narrowly missing the city and heading towards Coney Island. So many good memories there... Instead of escaping, Vulture tries to hold onto a box. And I steer the plane clear of the amusement park and land it on the beach.


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