Ticci Toby

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Who Is He?

Ticci Toby (Toby Rodgers) used to be a sixteen-year-old boy with Tourette's Syndrome, a disorder that makes you twitch and tick, and CIPA, another disorder where you can't feel physical pain.

Toby was given the name 'Ticci Toby' by his taunting classmates and the only person he could find solace in was older sister, Lyra. Unfortunately, Lyra was killed in a car accident and Toby was left with his mother and drunk/abusive father.

Slenderman (see chapter one) visited Toby in one of his dreams, basically telling him to join him. Toby listened, and went along the same direction as Jeff (see chapter two): he killed his father and fled the town. Slenderman accepted him into his reigns and Ticci Toby is now a murderer

What Does He Do?

Toby carries around two hatchets and kills his victims with them in various ways: decapitation, butchering ect.

There is no specific way that he kills, but he most certainly dangerous.

How I Survive Him?

Just don't mention his sister or father, call him 'Ticci Toby' or insult him in any way. And lock all doors and windows, just to be safe :)

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