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Who is She?

Sally is an eight-year-old little girl with dark brown hair and bright green eyes who wears a pink nightgown stained with blood. She was like any other little girl; she loved playing with her friends, playing with her dolls, dressing up and having tea parties. She didn't give her parents trouble and didn't have any problems with the other little boys and girls on her street. She was a little angel child and everyone who met her fell into her charm.

Including her Uncle Johnny.

Her father's brother came down for a few weeks to stay with the family. Little Sally's parents were overjoyed to have him over and so was Sally: she had someone new to play with! One night, Uncle Johnny came to tuck her into bed and he asks her if she wants to play his 'game'. Sally was eager to accept and asked how to play it, agreeing to the rules such as, "You can't tell anyone," or "It's our little secret.". 

If you haven't already caught on, Sally was sexually abused by Johnny.

The next day, Sally began to regret playing the game and went to tell her mother about it, despite Uncle Johnny had asked her not to tell anyone. However, her mother simply brushed it off as a nightmare that she had had and told her to go and play with  her friends.

Soon after, Johnny told Sally that they were going to the store together and so she got into his car and he drove off. Instead of going to Walmart or 7/11, Johnny took her to an abandoned park and told her that he knew that she told her mother about the 'game' they played. He said since she broke the rules, she had to face a punishment.

He then proceeded to bash a rock into Sally's skull repeatedly, hiding her body away and going back home, claiming that he didn't know where she went or what happened.

A few weeks or months later, Sally's body was found but Johnny was never pin pointed for the crime. Little did he know, his beloved little niece had come back as a vengeful ghost who sought revenge against her abusive uncle and anyone who stood in her way. When Sally did find Johnny, she made his death slow and painful, being sure to soak up every little piece of sadistic pleasure she could gain from watching him die.

What Does She Do?

As far as I know, not much if unprovoked. However, she will kill someone if she has to, whether it be for fun or for self defence. Her victims range from young children to adults, anyone who she feels like. Sally's weapon could either be her knife or her bare hands.

How Do I Survive Her?


If you see a little girl covered in blood in a pink nightgown walking through the forest, don't stop to help her. You nope the fuck outta there and stay away. Don't interact, don't provoke - just go the other way.

Oh, and if she asks if you 'Wanna Play?'....

There's not much I can do for you then.

Have fun surviving!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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