Who Is This Guy?

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About one year ago...


-"What's his name?"- I said calmly.

-"I don't know! I don't know if they changed it!"- Said my mom nervously.

-"What was his name?"-


I had just received the long hidden news...I've always wanted a sibling, instead I was an only child all these years...When I actually have a brother out there.

My mom had never told me this and she wouldn't have, Jacob was a mistake; for her...I wouldn't have known if I didn't do some research of my own. Since I became one of the youngest detectives at the age of 22, I read some files on my family and that's how I discovered my mom had another son. I needed to confront her, I had to hear this from her and she had just confirmed it.

Jacob, I'm going to find you.

I did some more research, my mom gave me the name of the adoption professional and they gave me the name of Jacob's adoptive parents or should I say "mother". Her name was Martha McConnell. I had a lead and I was going forward with it. I tracked down where she lived and the day had finally come in which I'd meet my brother.

The house was small and old looking, I immediately felt bad for Jacob; he's poor. I knocked the door. Anxiety rushed through my veins.

-"Hello, come on in."- Martha said while opening the door.

I sat down on her couch and waited.

-"I gave Jacob a call, he should be here soon."-

-"You didn't change his name..."-

-"I liked it, so I didn't."-

-"Tell me...how is he doing?"-

-"Jacob is a strong guy, he's learned how to survive under many circumstances. I've taken good care of him."-

Suddenly I heard the door open.

It was him.

-"Who is this guy?"- He takes a gun out of his pocket and points it at me.

I raised my hands slowly.

-"I'm your brother."-

-"You ain't nobody."- He laughed.

I saw his eyes tear up.

-"Jacob, my long lost brother."- My eyes tear up as well.

-"Martha, leave the room. Go and feed your chickens."-

Martha listened to Jacob and left us alone.

-"I can explain everything, I just want to talk to you."-

-"Save it! I don't wanna hear anything you or that bitch have to say."-

-"That bitch is your biological mother, the one who decided to give birth to you instead of killing you."-

-"She should've ended me! I've gone through hell because of her! She ruined me..."- A tear fell and rolled down his face.

-"Tell me...Why do you feel that way?"-

-"What? Are you a therapist now or something?"-

-"Look, she never told me I had a brother, I just found out a week ago, otherwise I would've looked for you sooner. I can help you Jacob."-

-"How the hell can you help me?!"-

I placed hundreds of cash on the table.

-"You deserve a better life than this."-

-"I don't want that shit, I don't want any of that, at least I earn my own money here. I got over that bitch the minute I knew she became rich and didn't think once about me. She's loaded isn't she? Cuz she married that stupid man didn't she? She never loved my father and she never loved me. She never cared."-

-"But I do!"- I said feeling sorry for him.

-"Look, your dad...Your dad disappeared the minute he knew our mom was pregnant in high school. She was so young and naive; she had no other choice than to put you up for adoption Jacob. She didn't have the capacity of taking care of a baby when she was a baby herself."- I tried explaining.

-"I don't want to fucking hear it! Shut up and get the hell out of here!"- Jacob said with anger.

I got up and headed out. I left my phone number with the cash on the table just in case he changed his mind.

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