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I just had to get to the nearest store and borrow someone's cell phone...

I felt out of breath; my heart was pounding so fast.

I found the sign I was looking for : OPEN.

I went into the store and I asked the first person I saw:

-"Can I please borrow your cell phone? I need help."-

-"I'm sorry, I'm leaving now."- The person left looking at me weirdly.

Worthless piece of...


No. He can't be here. I shut my eyes for a second and ran out of that store.

-"Someone help me!"- I started crying.

People were looking at me with fear in their eyes.

I felt arms wrapping themselves around me.

-"You're okay, you're okay."-

-"Let go!"- I struggled trying to break free.

-"Come with me, please."- He made me get into the back of his car where a bodyguard was sitting.

Once I got in, the bodyguard strapped the seat belt across me.

Daniel got into the driver's seat and drove off to that horrible place of torture again.

Or not?

We arrived at a tree house; an enormous one.

Daniel opened the backseat door and I stepped outside.

-" I don't think you'll feel the need to escape anymore."-

-"It's beautiful isn't it?"- He sighed.

It was gorgeous. A huge tree full of green leaves with a bridge that lead to another big tree and another bridge that lead to another tree. There was a long wooden swing and there were tiny shiny lights all around it. Butterflies were flying as free as ever...

-"Why did you bring me here?"-

-"I just want to talk. Follow me."-

We walked towards a wooden ladder.

-"Climb up, I'll be behind you."-

I climbed the ladder and reached the top where I saw a lovely living room. I went inside and sat on a comfy couch.

Daniel sat across me on another couch.

-"I found this shirt...Is it yours?"-

-"How...How did you? Jacob's the only one who could've had this! What did you do to him?!"- I started panicking.

-"Calm down, listen to me. I haven't seen Jacob or had any contact with him whatsoever."-

-"Then how..."-

-"Listen. I got this and a frame with your picture in it at Jacob's legal guardians house."-

-"You mean his mom?"-

-"His "mom" as you would like to call her is well known for using natural herbs and reading hands."-

-"They say she's a.."-

-"Witch, precisely. I found her chanting while holding your shirt next to your picture Nora."-

-"I don't think this urge or love you feel for Jacob is real. There's something going on here. Jacob gave these to her to curse you. He wants you to love him forever right?"-

I was speechless and terrified.

-"Who knows how many times she's laid a love curse on you for him?"- Daniel shook his head.

-"I know I sound crazy, but I think we should burn these."-

-"That way there's no attachments to you. I think you'll feel more liberated."-

-"Look, Jacob knows he doesn't deserve you, that's why he did this. What you feel for him isn't healthy, it's not sane."-

-"I want to burn those."- I said with certainty.

-"Follow me."-

We went down the staircase and walk towards a bonfire pit.

Daniel made the wood burn and flames rose above.

-"Want to say any words?."- He asked.

I looked at the shirt and at my picture.

-"I want to be free...I will be free!"- I threw them into the fire and watched them burn.

Tears raced down my cheeks as I watched.

Daniel held his head low.

-"Get some rest. I'll order some food. Anything you want to eat in particular?"-

-"Pizza...and lots of ice cream."- I climbed upstairs.

Minutes later Daniel arrived with two boxes of pizza and two ice cream buckets.

I was watching a movie.

-"Care if I join?"-

-"No...In fact I have a few questions."-

-"Who are you Daniel? Why do you care so much about me? Have we...met before?"-

He left out a chuckle.

-"It all started when....

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