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Violet and katya are lying on the couch, Katya's head resting in her lap. Violet has been attempting to braid Katya's hair forever, claiming that the noise from the tv is what's messing it up.
"It looks awful" she chuckles, tickling katya in the face with it. Katya slaps her hand away and joins in on the laughing.
"No, it's beautiful" she says, not taking her eyes off the tv.
Violet quiets down and looks down on her girlfriend, letting several seconds pass
"You're beautiful " she whispers, and leans down to kiss her cheek. Katya turns her head and catches Violet's lips.
Violet smiles into the kiss, and pulls her up to get a better grip.
She kisses her again and moves down to her neck, just barely letting her lips brush over Katya's skin.
"Tell me you're mine" she mumbles against Katya's neck, the heat from her breath giving katya goosebumps.
She giggles, but doesn't answer
"Say it" violet continues, looking up into her eyes and running her thumb against katyas bottom lip. Katya kisses the tip of Violet's thumb and smiles.
"I'm yours"


"I'm telling you, the people who invented the milk first versus cereal first are the same ones who created the pineapple on pizza war! It's just a ploy to put us against each other made up by the big man!" Katya yells towards the kitchen. Trixie turns the water pressure on the tap up even more to drown out Katya's conspiracy theories, letting the stream wash every inch of the plate she's holding.
"You can't run from the truth, Brenda!" Katya yells, louder, and Trixie laughs.

She moves on to the next dish and lets katya ramble in the background as she zooms out. It's been a week since katya visited violet, and things have been better. She thinks so at least, katya no longer hesitates before touching her, and when she does Trixie can't believe she lived as straight for so long.

When she asks katya about the visit she keeps saying that it only did her good and that it was for the best and stuff like that, but it feels so.. fake. She doesn't doubt Katya's intentions, if violet got into her head she probably just doesn't want to worry her. Though it must've been pretty bad considering she came home late, since Trixie can't imagine her wanting to be there longer than necessary.

Trixie scrunches up her nose and takes out her frustration on a stubborn spot on one of the dishes.
When she's almost done she feels Katya's hands wrap around her waist from behind. Trixie smiles as katya rests her head on shoulder, and she turns off the tap.
"My little housewife " she mumbles, and kisses Trixie in the crook of her neck. Trixie giggles.
"You are aware that we take turns on the dishes?"
"Shh, don't ruin the moment" katya says between kisses, smiling against Trixie's skin, and pulls her closer.

Trixie removes her dishwasher gloves and turns around.
Katya looks her up and down, and her face turns dead serious.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've seen. You know that, right?"
Trixie blushes and looks down at her feet.
"And you look pretty good for a dead bitch"

Katya's face softens and she laughs, connecting their lips. She pushes Trixie against the counter, urging her to jump up. She obeys and gets up with the help of Katya's strong hands on her hips.
She reconnects their lips, wrapping her arms around Katya's neck, and she runs her hand along Trixie's thigh in response, her short skirt riding up a bit. Katya squeezes the exposed part of her ass and Trixie giggles.
"Can't argue with that"


"I love you"
Katya freezes where she lays, her hands wrapped around Trixie in their bed.
"You don't have to say it back" Trixie quickly adds.

"No it's not that it was just- it just took me by surprise is all"
Trixie nods, leaving katya room to continue. She bites her lip.

"You know how much I care about you, it's just the word in particular.. I mean I've only ever said that to my mom" she says, adding an awkward chuckle. Trixie averts her gaze a bit.
"And Violet" she mumbles. Katya opens her mouth to defend herself, but is interrupted.

"It's fine, I'm just saying that.. I'm not here as your rebound girl. I'm here because I love you, and I have loved you for the past two years. It's informative, not demanding"
Katya smiles again, relaxing a bit.
"Alright baby"


An update already? What happened?? Well, support happened
Love y'all

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