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Hieee, so Danny (aka Adore Delano) is gonna be in this chapter so there might be some mixed pronouns depending on the situation, I hope it doesn't get confusing! <3
"Do you want something to drink?"
Willow pours water into two glasses from a cupboard. "Some water, maybe?" She continues, walking over to Katya with one of the glasses extended towards her. Willow sits down next to her as Katya shakes her head. "Come on baby, you need something other than alcohol in your system". She squeezes Katya's knee and tries to hand her the glass again, and this time she takes it.
"Don't just hold it" she says and carefully pushes the bottom of the glass to get it closer to her mouth. Katya does her best to take small sips and focus on not choking on the cold beverage. "There you go"  Willow whispers. "Now, will you talk to me?"
Katya scrapes her nail along the rim of the glass, remaining quiet for about a minute before answering.
"There is nothing to talk about" her voice is weak, and it takes Willow a second to understand what she said.
"Yes there is, there is a million things to talk about. But let's start with one" she does her best to keep her voice steady and calm to avoid scaring her. "Violet".
Katya's nail stops making the rhythmic pattern on the glass, her pupils dilating slightly before going back to their cracked-out black hole look.
"Look, I'm not judging you for any of this. If anything it's my fault" her voice cracks and she subtly clears her throat. "I just don't wanna lose you. If you keep going like this, one day you won't get up from the bathroom floor-" she's interrupted by the sound of Katya crying. It's a heartbreaking sound, like she's not getting enough air. Willow pulls the blonde mess in for a hug, and she nuzzles her face into her black peacock jacket.
"It's gonna be okay" she whispers, not being able to hold her tears back anymore.
"I-I tried to leave, I did, but she cornered me.. she got into my head. I feel so trapped-" Willow feels Katya's breathing getting quicker and more superficial, like usually when she is about to have a panic attack.
"I know you do, and I want to help you. I just don't know how"
She makes soothing motions over Katya's back in an attempt to calm her down.
"Me neither" she mumbles.


Katya is sitting up in her bed that she now shares with Trixie, whom is lying down next to her.
"So, what's on the agenda today?" She asks, not taking her eyes off her phone.
"Well, I was actually thinking that we could pay a visit to Danny today? Maybe get some more information?"
Trixie finally looks up at her, and Katya worries that she's gonna say no.
"Yeah, that sounds fun. I haven't seen him in a while anyways, and she's really good at lightening the mood" she punctuates the last part by snapping her fingers, and Katya chuckles.

Two hours later they're in Katya's car on their way to Danny's. Trixie seems to be thinking about something, and eventually she asks;
"Does Danny know what happened between you and Violet?"
"No, I don't think he would've let her move in if he did. Though I'm not sure, Willow might've told him a little bit"
Trixie nods.
"Are you gonna tell him?"
Katya bites her lip and takes her time before answering.
"I think it's best if we keep him out of it, he'd just beat himself up. And it's too late anyways, Violet signed the lease or whatever "
She spots Danny's house and gets goosebumps over how little time it took to get here. They pull up on the driveway and have barely gotten out of the car before being greeted by a hyperactive Danny.
"Hi bitch!" He yells and gives them a hug and peck on the cheek each.
"Adore, hi baby!" Trixie says, and the gloomy look on her face is instantly wiped away by this lively blonde hurricane.
She takes both their hands and lead them into her house.

"Sorry about the mess!" She yells as she walks over to the kitchen counter and grabs a half full bottle of beer. "Roy's not here to pick up my shit anymore" she says with a laugh.
"Oh yeah, you two broke up right?"
"Fuck yeah, though I'm not that good at breakups. We've had hate sex like ten times"
Katya bursts into laughter where she's standing in the hallway, and Adore takes a smug sip of her beer.
"TMI, Adore. Is he here now?"
"Yeah, upstairs collecting the last of his things" she points at the staircase with the bottle. "ROY COME DOWN HERE WE HAVE GUESTS" she yells, and Katya starts laughing again.
"Girl someone needs to take your go-go juice away"
Adore takes another big sip of beer while flipping Trixie off. Trixie barely has time to roll her eyes before Roy comes walking down the stairs.
"Hey girls!" He says with a smile that makes his dimples stand out even more. Katya finally abandons her spot in the hallway and runs over to greet Roy. He gives her a couple of air kisses as to not mess up her makeup, even though Adore had already ruined most of it
"Wow, you sure didn't waste any time you fuckin' playboy" Adore exclaims and lightly pushes Roy to the side.
"Jesus christ Adore, you're gonna get yourself killed when Roy's not here to watch over you. He's barely moved out yet and you're drunk at 10 AM and running towards driving cars" Katya manages to get out between her cackles. Trixie sees this as an opportunity to talk about the Violet situation.
"But you won't be living alone though, right? Katya said something about a roommate earlier"
Adore can't respond on account of the beer bottle that found it's way back into her mouth, but she walks over to the couch and wave at them to follow her. Trixie and Katya sit down in two armchairs that are strategically placed so that they're facing the couch with a glass table separating them. Adore has already made herself comfortable, her head resting on the inside arm and one of her legs thrown over the back pillows. Though she adjusts her position as Roy sits down next to her, resting both of her legs in his lap.
"Yeah I saw this girl, Violet, who was looking for houses here, and Roy had already suggested that I should get a roommate so it was kind of a perfect match" she attempts to drink more of her beer, but Roy snatches it out of her hand before it reaches her lips.
"Bitch you can't drink while lying down, you'll choke" he says and carefully places the bottle on the table.
"What, that doesn't apply to you?" she whispers suggestively.
"Oh please, your dick is way too small to choke on" he snaps back. Adore tries to kick him in the face, but he forces her legs down with ease.
Trixie's face heats up by this sudden turn of events, and she does her best to try and get back on track.
"Did she mention why she wanted to move here?"
Adore furrows her eyebrows to try and rack her memory.
"No, I don't think so. Just the regular rent and climate stuff"
Katya gives Trixie a look before taking the word.
"Did she say why she had to get out of her own house? Did she get evicted?"
Roy squints suspiciously at her, and Adore seems to be more focused on a spot on the ceiling and doesn't acknowledge the question. All of a sudden she jumps up and extends her hand to Katya.
"I totally forgot, Bianca had this fancy designer dude make a new dress for me, you have to check it out it's fabulous " Katya hesitates and looks over at the others in the room for confirmation. Roy chuckles in a way that indicates that she should make this drunk weirdo happy by doing what she wants.
When their footsteps confirm that they are out of earshot, he pats on the spot next to him where Adore used to be. Trixie moves over to him without knowing what to expect.
"Tell me what's going on" he says bluntly.
"About what?"
"About Danny and his new roommate, why do you have so many questions?"
"I'm just curious, he moved in with you right out of his mom's house and I wanna know how he's gonna handle living with a stranger"
Roy scoffs.
"Cut the shit, Barbara. I agree that whatever's going on shouldn't include Danny, but you can't hide it from me" Trixie stutters a bit, searching for words. What would Katya think about her telling Roy about such personal things? Though she doesn't doubt his maturity or ability to handle stuff in a healthy way, it just doesn't feel right. She looks around the room, as if the walls would have the answer.
"Violet is Katya's ex" she finally mumbles. Roy raises his eyebrows slightly.
"Okay then, that's awkward I guess"
"No, but like, she wasn't- it didn't.. she was like really bad. Abusive, triggering, stuff like that? I heard it for the first time a few days ago so I don't know the details.. but it sounded bad. Katya just broke down when she heard that she was coming here" she feels tears running down her face like waterfalls, and she doesn't have the self awareness to stop them. "We barely have time for cute couples shit anymore because everything is about Violet and how she's fucking up her life and-" she stops her rambling as she feels Roy carefully drying her tears with a paper towel from the table.
"I just don't know what to do"
Roy stays quiet for a second before answering.
"You should tell her how you feel. It's obviously fucking with you too, and if you wanna get through this as a couple you have to listen to each other." Trixie smiles and takes a deep breath to try and shake off the distressed feeling the conversation has laid on her.
"Speaking of, what's the deal with you and Danny? I don't believe for a second that you're actually broken up" Roy laughs along with her and says;
"Yeah, I guess not. We just have such different schedules, and our personalities kind of clash when we live in a small house like this. I still love him, and he loves me, I just think we're not ready to be living together yet. Maybe in the future though"
Right on cue Adore comes tumbling down the stairs with Katya in tow. Trixie gets up from the couch.
"You ready to head home, baby?"


Kind of a rushed chapter written at 3 am but whatevs it's a chapter nonetheless lol

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