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Katya wakes up with her forehead pressed against the toilet seat in the club's bathroom. She doesn't have to theorize about what happened, it's pretty obvious. She gets up, her legs shaking like she was in the middle of an earthquake. It's like a slap in the face looking at her reflection, her mascara is smudged around her eyes like a pair of goggles and her red lipstick is smeared from either puking or making out with someone. Probably both.
Though she still can't really focus her eyes on anything, Katya does her best to wipe off what's left of the lipstick and reapply it with the one she has in her purse. She tries to fluff up the hair on her left side, the side she was presumably sleeping on, and walks out. A wave of bad disco music hits her as she steps out and she searches for Violet in the sea of bodies. She tries to call out her name, but her body isn't cooperating. She almost gags as she opens her mouth to form the simple sentence, and she covers it with her gloved hand while trying to remember what she's taken tonight.
Someone taps on her shoulder and she opens her eyes. Her vision is so blurry that she can mostly see colors.
"Willow?" Katya manages to get the name out, and as soon as she does she starts to panic. She pushes Willow's hand away and quickly looks for a way to escape.
"No Katya, please I just wanna talk" She takes Katya's arm, and doesn't let go as she tries to squirm. Katya shakes her head as fast as her intoxicated body allows her, which of course isn't very fast.
"We need to get you out of here, you can barely stand up" she says, and Katya finally gives up.
Katya opens her eyes, expecting to see Willow's face above her. Instead she's greeted with a severely distressed looking Trixie faintly smiling at her.
She gets up from Trixie's lap and sits upright, staring into the wall and avoiding eye contact. She wants to ask her why she's here, but her mouth is so dry and she doesn't know how to say it without sounding like she doesn't want her here.
"Willow told me... about Violet. Like, a lot of it" Trixie says, breaking the silence. Katya starts sweating. Willow knows everything in such detail, she's worried about how much she told her.
"I'm sorry.. I get it if you don't wanna date someone with this much baggage"
"Of course I still wanna date you, I'm just worried about you. She's not even here yet and you've already had a mental breakdown"
Katya opens her moth to argue, but remembers her behavior after hearing the news. The cracked phone, the apathy on the couch, Willow's emergency visit, all the crying... Trixie has a point.
"It was mostly shock. I know I can handle her"
Trixie closes her eyes, which look considerably small without the dramatic makeup, and Katya remembers that she doesn't know why Trixie's here.
"Did Willow tell you to come over?" She asks cautiously.
"No, I- it's a long story". Katya manages to face her girlfriend.
"So was the story about Violet. It's your turn now, I'm tired of everything being about me"
Trixie takes a deep breath.
"I got into a fight with my mom, she doesn't want me to be with you. She thinks you're a bad influence" Katya scoffs.
"Well, she's not wrong" she says, and Trixie smiles faintly.
"Anyways, I told her that I couldn't stay in the house and she just kind of sat there, so I left"
"Were you planning on staying here?" Trixie's face turns bright red.
"If it's okay with you" she mumbles.
"Of course! I don't really wanna be alone with all this Violet stuff going on anyways".
Trixie wraps her arms around Katya, and finally it feels like things are gonna work out.
Short chapter but I felt like I just had to post it cuz it's been a draft since last week :0 I'm on Christmas break now though so I'll probably post more if I'm not busy with family stuff

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