Chapter 1 [Finding him]

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    About me
      -Hi my name is Y/N I'm a 19 year old working the night shift at a cafe. I don't have parents or siblings so I'm alone in this world but enough about me let's get in with the story-

   I was walking home from the night shift at work. It was really dark out but I lived pretty close to my work so I was fine. Once I got home  I saw a cutely wrapped box in front of my door there was also a note on top.

'Dear whoever found this please take care of him I'm tried and have had enough I don't care what you do but it's not my problem anymore good luck'

  When I looked inside there was a cute black bunny inside he looked like he was shivering. I quickly took him inside and took him out of the box. He looked so cute who would want to abandon him. "Hi there little bunny my names Y/N" "You need a name" I said. "Hmmmm how about chimmy?" The bunny seemed to understand and shook his head. " Um okay how about hobi?" He shook his head again. " Oh I know how bout kookie?" This time he looked at me and squeaked. "Ok kookie it is then" I set him down on the floor and went to the kitchen to look for something that he could eat. He then came following after me. I opened the fringe and found some carrots and lettuce so I took them out and chopped them up for him to eat. "Here you go little bunny some food for you to eat" he looked like he hesitated at first but soon finished it all. I looked at the clock it was 11:00 pm at night and I was getting tired so I took my bunny and went to my room. I got some pillows and blankets for him to sleep on. I then quickly did my night routine and got into my bed. I was about to fall asleep when I heard some squeaking so I looked beside my bad and saw kookie trying to climb onto my bed. I groaned but put him on my bed. He then snuggled on my pillow and fell asleep. "Goodnight kookie" I said before falling asleep.

{Time skip 3:00 am}

Kookie POV

I tried to fall asleep but every time I closed my eyes I would see my previous owner. She would abuse me and starve me all the time. She soon got tired of me and put me in a box and put me in front of this persons house. When the person opens the box she looked so beautiful. " Hi my names Y/N". Oh so her names Y/N. She seems nicer then my other owner maybe I can trust her with my secret.

{Hi this is my first ever story I hope you like it and I'm sorry that it's short I didn't really know what to do I'll try to update as soon as possible}

My bunny's a hybrid| Y/N and Jungkook storry| {SHORT CHAPTERS} <<DISCONTINUED>>Where stories live. Discover now