xxvi. Father Dear

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Six months later...

"Good morning, darling," Charlotte smiled, dishing up scrambled eggs on a plate. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept. Let's put it that way. It could have been better, but it could have been worse," Erik said with a sigh.

"That nightmare was really bad, wasn't it?" Charlotte frowned.

"It was, yes. Even after you talked to me and helped me try to relax, I still ended up downstairs pacing in the parlor for a little while," Erik admitted.

"Darling, why didn't you wake me?" Charlotte sighed.

"I didn't want you to be up more than you had. You didn't sleep much for a few days when Angelina was ill, and I wanted to let you make up for that."

"But dear, I'm supposed to be there for you."

"I know and you were earlier in the night. I just needed some time alone to clear my head," Erik said with a smile.

"I know, but...I just wish I would have been there for you," Charlotte said softly.

"It's okay, love. I was alright."

"But you were so upset before. What was your dream even about? You were sobbing so much that I couldn't tell what you were saying."

Erik shook his head. "It...it was nothing. Don't worry about it," he said.

"No, tell me," Charlotte said softly, cupping his face in her hands.

"It was to do with Angelina. Her suffering exactly what I did because of how she looks. All I could do was watch and feel like a failure of a father," he finally admitted

"Oh, darling," Charlotte sighed. "No wonder you were so upset."

Erik nodded. "I couldn't bear to watch it."

Charlotte pulled him into a hug. "Well, you're alright now. That's the important thing," she nodded. "Why don't you hold Angelina?"

"Yes, I've been wanting to since I woke up," Erik said, looking over to where his daughter sat in her high chair. "Hello, my angel! How are you this morning?"

Angelina gave him a wide smile and reached up toward him, babbling something incoherently.

"Yes, come here," Erik said as he lifted her into his arms and peppered her cheek with kisses. "You're so happy this morning, hm?"

Angelina giggled in reply, leaning her lead on his shoulder.

"You're both adorable," Charlotte smiled, kissing her husband's cheek.

"Did you hear that, Angelina? Your mother says we're adorable," Erik said to his daughter.

Angelina grinned, kissing his cheek as she wrapped her little arms around his neck.

"Is Gustave not awake yet?" Charlotte asked.

"He was still asleep when I came downstairs, so he's probably still sleeping," Erik replied.

"He wanted to play in the snow this morning, so I'm surprised he didn't get up at the crack of dawn," Charlotte chuckled.

"I know. He was thrilled when he saw the first snowflakes last night," Erik said with a smile.

"I know," Charlotte laughed before walking to the doorway and yelling, "Gustave, I thought you were going to play outside this morning!"

Only a moment or two after she said that, the sound of little feet rushing around upstairs could be heard. "I think he might be up now, though that could just be the herd of elephants that lives upstairs," Erik said with a laugh as he set Angelina back in her high chair and picked up her bowl of mashed bananas for her breakfast.

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