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December 1rst, Junior Year Of Highschool, Alexa's Party

"Why did we come here again?" Leslie asked me "she's my step-sister" i pulled her close to me "we don't have to stay the whole time" she smiled. we were sitting awkwardly while everyone was slutting around dancing to the bad rap music. Alexa and Christina were getting lap dances by some girl who went through puberty alittle to early. all the guys were staring as her boobs bounced while she grinded on my step sisters. my cheeks went red i put my face in my hands. i felt so weird at parties. "Hey noah" i looked up in front of me was Helena. She looked kinda like a regular teen in her shorts, tights,vans, and random shirt. "yea long time no see" i smiled Leslie looked at me expectantly "oh and this is my girlfriend Leslie" she smiled politely at leslie "nice to meet you". "didn't know you still hung out with those two" we both looked at Alexa taking a jello shot "i don't really but i got the invite so i thought what the hell" she sat next to us "you guys been here long?" Helena asked "nope we just got here too" Leslie answered "and you immediatly sat down?" "isn't that what you just  did" i said she smiled "touche". it had been a bit since i've seen Helena. we saw eachother every so often in the halls but never like this not since 7th grade. we used to hangout all the time then i guess we drifted apart. "you not gonna drink?" i asked Helena "nope my mom's picking me up at 9, i don't want that conflict" i looked at my phone 8:20 "thats not long" "the older you get the tighter the purse strings" "i don't thinks thats how that expression goes"  i looked Leslie she was obviously bored on her phone "do you want a drink?" i asked Leslie she nodded i got up "i'll go with you" Helena said "you sure?" "not like i have anything to do". we moved throw the mass of bodies to the food table. i poured 2 cups and handed one to Helena "cheers"  she said slapping her cup against the one intended for Leslie. she took a sip and made a disgusted face "is there alcohol in this?" i laughed "yea loser" she smiled dumping the punch back into bowl "why didn't you tell me?" she asked "i though you knew". she grabbed the cup out my hand and poured in into the bowl to "your a whore" she said. thrift shop came on and we both smiled "remeber when we had to make a rap about dress code out of this song?" i nodded i remeber it so clearly. we were in a speech class where we had to make a rap about issues in school and the rest is history. "dance with me" i blurted and imediatly after i started blushing at the suggestion. fuck why did i say that. "come on" she grabbed my hand pulling me into the body mass of other people doing more grinding than dancing. she put her hands around my neck, mine reflected straight to her waist the distance between us was large enough for it not to be romantic but i held my breath regardless. she was dancing slightly but i stood there like the most awkward person in exsistence. she let go smiling knowing it made me uncomfortable being this close. "i'm suprised your not shuffling" she yelled over the music. i smiled at her suggestion "i don't wanna be the only werido doing it" i yelled back "i'll do it with you". we looked like the lamest people in the place but we shuffled laughing our asses off. who knew that be the last time i'd see her.

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