Chapter 3: I Wish.

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      We get in the car. "You still can't tell me where we are going? At least a hint...?"   "Let's see..the place doesn't have a name." I don't ask anymore questions on our way to the destination; knowing if Harry did it, it will be great. "OH MY GOD Harry!" I say as we pull up at his old house. No one lives here but it's the place that 4yrs ago today, Harry Styles asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes of course. "Louis helped me." He says as we go in the back door. There are no lights because the electricity was cut off years ago; only candles lighting the kitchen, dining room, and living room. In the living room is the blanket we used to use for picnics. Around the blanket are candles in the shape of a heart. On the blanket is a picnic basket, more candles, and two red roses in a vase. We sit down to eat. After we get done eating, Harry cleans up and runs to the kitchen. He comes back with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. "Your favorite beautiful." He says as he sits down beside me. "Yumm, those look great."   "Thanks, I made them by myself...with a little help from Lou." He says as he takes the stem off of one and bites the end off, giving me the rest. "So, they are safe to eat?" I ask as I swallow the strawberry. While we eat them, we talk about what are favorite things have been over the last 4yrs. We talk about the first time we met, when he asked my to be his girlfriend, buying a flat together, and the upcoming album. "Taylor, I have something to ask you." Harry says as he picks my hand up from my lap. "Of course Harry, what is it?"  "You know in I Wish? Where it says 'I've got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you."  "Yes and those words are 'I love you'."  "Right. Well in our case, I tell you that all the time. For us, I want to change it to 'I've got 4 little words I've always been dying to ASK you."   "Ok." I say, obviously not on the same page as Harry. "Taylor, stand up." As I stand up, Harry gets down on one knee. "Those 4 words are: Will you marry me?" He asks as he pulls a small box from his pocket. "Oh my god! Harry, YES!" I say as I fall to my knees to be at the same level as him. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you and have kids with you." He says as he puts the ring on my left ring finger. After we make out for what seems like hours, Harry stands up and reaches for my hand. "Will you dance with me?"   "Why of course Mr. Styles." I say as I stand up. He puts his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. I rest my head on his bare shoulder, since he for some reason, took his shirt off. We dance to all our favorite songs. Just taking in each other. Cherishing every moment. The love and romance is broken by Harry's phone ringing. "I'll get it." I say pulling away from Harry and rushing over to the blanket. "It's Liam. Why would he be calling at 1 in the morning?" Harry shrugs and I answer it. "Hello?"  "Harry?"  "No Liam, it's Taylor."  "Oh, hey Tay."   'He sounds like he's about to cry.' I mouth to Harry as he rushes over to the phone. "He is right here, if you want to talk to him?"  "No Taylor, it's fine..." The longest pause ever. "Umm... But you guys need to come to the hospital. NOW! It's Niall." Nothing on the other end. "Hello. Taylor? It's Lou, can you teo just come and we will explain everyting when you get here."   "Ok Louis, we are coming right NOW!"  We blow out the candles and leave everything else. 

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