Chapter 4: Blood and Tears.

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A/N: I am soo sorry for not updating this story! I've been extremely busy and no one seems to like it. But my best friend insists on me doing it, so here I am. She said you all would love it and the reads would go through the roof. I hope she is right. Please vote! Comment! And fan! Thanks:)

We arrive at the hospital 15mins later. "Beautiful, what do you think happened?" I look over at Harry, who is about to cry. I just shrug and kiss his cheek. We go into the E.R to find a stressed out Valerie and even more stressed Liam. "Niall's been shot and he didn't make it." Louis says as I rush over to Liam. "Lou! Shut up!" Valerie says as she smacks the back of Louis' arm. "Niall did get shot but just in the shoulder. He's in surgery now." Valerie says. I hug Liam, he just lays his head on my shoulder and starts crying. After I comfort Liam for 5 minutes, we walk over to the chairs. Harry asks all the questions, knowing I can't. "Who as with Niall when it happened?" "I was." Liam says with his head in his hands. "And so was Elody." "Where did it happen?" Harry asks. "Well, we went out for midnight ice cream, like we do every Friday night. We were coming back to the flat, there were fans like always. But something about tonight was different. I was signing a few autographs when all of a sudden, there was a loud bang and Niall hit the ground. I turn to see blood gushing from his left shoulder." Liam says as he wipes his eyes. "Then Elody called 911 and here we are." "Besides the point..." I speak up. "I guess as you boys' planner, I should cancel tomorrow's photo shoot?" "We could always photoshop him in." Zayn says as he runs his hands ver his hair, trying not to mess it up. "I'll call in the morning and cancel." Zayn rolls his eyes and Louis nods. "Zayn is just mad because he wanted to show the world his new haircut." Valerie says as we laugh." "Well, what can I say." Zayn says back. I had just dosed off on Harry's shoulder when a nurse comes into the waiting room. "Elody?" She says looking around, as if we aren't the only ones in there at 3 in the morning. "I'm Elody." She says, standing up. "Niall is out of surgery and he is asking for you." Se comes back out with the nurse 20 minutes later. "He wants to see you guys." Elody says as the other 4 boys stand up. "No. All of you." We now follow the nurse. Liam goes in the room first. Then Louis and Harry holding our hands and pulling us in, Zayn is last. We walk in to see a drugged Niall. He is even more pale than his normal Irish self, his blonde hair is limp because the hairspray had worn off, and his left arm wrapped and in a sling. "Hey guys." "Hey Niall." Liam whispers as he sits on the edge of the bed. "I'm so sorry Niall. If I hadn't of signed those autographs and we had just gone in, none of this would have happened." Liam says trying not to fall apart again. "Liam, bro. I don't blame you at all. It's fine." We stay in the room until the nurse comes in. We tell Niall bye and and head back out to the waiting room. Harry grabs my hand as we sit down. I had just dosed off again when I hear Valerie scream. "Oh my god! Taylor what is that?!" She says as she points to mine and Harrys' hands. "What? Oh that?" I say, pulling our hands apart. "Yeah! That beautiful thing on your finger." She says as she jumps up, runs over to us, and sits down beside me. "Harry and I are getting married." "Cool bro. So she said yes?" Louis says looking at Harry. "Yeah..." Harry is interrupted by Valerie. "Wait wait. Louis William Tomlinson!" "Yes princess?" Louis answers, slightly scared. "You knew about this and didn't tell me?" She says as she glares at Louis. "Umm, yes. But Harry made me swear not to tell anyone!" "Harry Styles!!!" "Sorry but I now how you girls talk and I didn't want it to slip out." I attempt to go back to sleep but an woken up to Zayn and Liam snoring. "What's the point?!" I say as I raise myself off of Harry's chest. I look over at Valerie, who is just sitting there. I get up and walk over to her. "We should go talk to Elody. It would mean the world to Niall if we become friends and plus, she probably feels kinda weird with all this fame and stuff." We walk over and sit on either side of her. "I'm so sorry this had to happen, especially right after you two started dating." I say. "We promised Niall that we would become friends with his girlfriend, but we don't really know anything about you." Valerie finishes. "We noticed that you don't have a British accent. Where are you from? We are from Miami, Florida." "Actually, I am too." "Taylor and I have been best friends since we were 5. We followed the boys since before the X-Factor. Well, Liam the first time and Harry eps hen he was in White Eskimo. After the X-Factor was over we moved to London because we got scholarships. Taylor met Harry about a year after we moved here and they obviously clicked. Louis and I officially started dating 2 years after Tay and Harry. And here we are, 5 years after leaving Miami, in a hospital with One Direction. How abut you Elody?" Valerie says after basically telling our life story. "Well, I'm 17. I moved to London about a year ago for school. I bumped into Niall and he asked for my number and here we are. Well, it was nice talking to you but I probably need to be getting home." Elody says as she grabs her purse and stands up. I walk back over to Harry and sit down on his lap. He kisses my neck. "I love you soo much." He says, his face buried in my neck. "I love you too Harry." All I can do is just sit there and stare at the diamonds on my finger. "It's so beautiful Harry!" "Just like you." He whispers into my hair. He wraps his arms around my waist. I wake up to Harry kissing my cheek. "Come on beautiful, lets go home. It's 8." Wow I slept 3 hours...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2013 ⏰

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