[Chapter_Three: Team VOLT]

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<Eirik's POV>

Ozpin and Glynda gave me a tour of Beacon. It was kinda late so most of the classes were empty. But we came across Teams JNPR and RWBY. So they came with us.

"So..How..Are you a...Sim..Simul.." Jaune started. "Simulacrum?" I asked. "Yeah..How are you one?" He asked. "It's...It's a long story" I responded, rubbing my arm. "I'd rather not talk about it" I responded. "What...Oh..Okay" Jaune responded, smiling, I smiled back. 

"So..What's a Pilot?" Yang asked. "A Pilot is..Well, the ultimate combat unit. We are the only ones that can make a Neural Link with a Titan. We are also extremely powerful in the battlefield. Even human Pilots can take out a Spectre in a single punch" I explained.

"Spectre?" Weiss asked. "A mechanical soldier of sorts" I responded.

"PILOT, I HAVE COLLECTED DATA ON REMNANT, SO WHEN YOU HAVE TIME I WILL TELL YOU ABOUT REMNANT" Raptor said via my Neural Link. "Okay, thanks" I responded, out loud by accident. "Huh?"

"Sorry, was just talking to Raptor" I responded, everyone looked at me confused. Save for Ozpin. "Whaa?" Ruby asked. "As part of our Neural Link we can talk even when miles away. I just forgot to talk in my head to him" I responded. "Makes sense, I guess" Blake responded.

As we walked around I saw a guy in armour pulling on the ear of...A girl with..Bunny ears...The fuck?

I also felt pissed and I walked over and punched into my hand and I scowled. "Oi! Cunt!" I shouted as I got closer. "What do you- Oh, a piece of useless scrap. What do you want?" the asshole asked.

"Let the..Bunny..Girl..Thing go, or I'll beat your ass into the next world" I growled. He took a mace out and let go of her ear and walked over to me.

As he swung at me I Phase-Shifted and walked behind him.

<Ruby's POV>

"Woah! Where did he go?!" Weiss asked. 

Suddenly Eirik appeared behind Cardin and jumped up, fired a grappling hook which attatched to Cardin's armour. He then threw him to the other-side of the room.

"Holy-!" Cardin started before he hit the ground.

<Eirik's POV>

Once I landed I brushed some dust off my shoulders. "Cunt" I muttered before turning to the Bunny-Girl. "You alright?" I asked. "Y-Yeah.." she responded. "Good" I responded as I walked back over to Jaune and the others. "What was that?! And what the hell are you thinking?! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET KICKED OUT!?" Weiss snapped. 

I quickly threw a punch at Weiss, stopping a millimetre from her face and she jumped back. I burst out laughing. "Nah, but I don't put up with assholes like that cunt back here" I responded. I noticed that Blake was smiling a bit.

"Nicely done, I was thinking on a punishment for Cardin. His ego being obliterated works" Ozpin said, giving me a thumbs-up. While Glynda looked like she was about to lose her shit.

"Nicely done!" Pyrrha said, giving me a thumbs-up too. Yang held up her hand for a high-five, so I high-fived her.

"So, where to now?" I asked. "Well, we could show you our dorms?" Blake suggested. "I'm fine..Just wondering is there a initiation or anything I'll have to do?" I asked. "Funny you should ask that" Ozpin said.

After the tour I was lead to a mountain side with Raptor. We were overlooking a forest. "I was kidding...Fuck" I muttered. "PILOT, ARE YOU ALRIGHT? SCANS INDICATE THAT YOU ARE ANXIOUS" Raptor asked. "Yeah..I'm fine" I responded.  

"PILOT, YOU ARE-" Raptor started. "Look...I'm fine, I'm just tired" "IF YOU SAY SO" 

I stepped onto the metal plate which is a launchpad to send me into the forest. 

Ozpin had explained the initiation trial to us. I would have to go and grab a relic of sorts, then Raptor can help me out. Sounds simple enough.

"Ready?" Ozpin asked. "Yeah, I'm ready" I responded. Suddenly I was launched into the air and into the forest.

When I landed it took me a moment to recover, I then took out my CAR Smg and began running to the relic's location.


"Alright, thanks" I responded.

I ran through the forest, killing a few 'Grimm' on the way. They weren't too bad. Though they looked weak.

As I spotted some castle ruins I tripped over something and was sent flying into a tree, one of my optics cracked. "Ow..Fuck.." I sighed.

As I went to get up I saw the thing I tripped over. It was a long tail of some kind, which started to curl and the creature stood up and turned to face me. It's a big fucking scorpion..

I laughed "Shit.." I muttered, it then charged at me, I quickly Phased and sprinted to behind it. When I returned to reality I turned around and opened fire, my bullets didn't do much to it. Just seemed to piss it off.

I created several Holo-Copies of myself, one of which running at the scorpion. I grappled to a nearby tree and pulled myself to it. When I got to above the scorpion I tossed a Frag Grenade at it. It did a good bit of damage to the scorpion.

Wait, if I get the relic. Raptor will be allowed to help. I quickly threw myself towards the castle ruins. When I landed in it I grabbed the first object I found. It was a small robot figurine. Cute.

"Alright, Raptor I got the thing and need help. Get over here!" I said through our Neural Link. "ON MY WAY" he responded.

I turned around and saw the scorpion standing there, ready to attack. "Uh...Hi?" I said as I jumped back as it attacked with it's tail.

I quickly tossed a Firestar at it, after a moment it fell dead and turned to a black dust. Then I looked up and saw several more scorpion Grimm.


"PILOT, I HAVE ARRIVED. RECOMMEND YOU EMBARK" Raptor said as he dashed into view. Time appeared to slow as he slid across the ground and his hatches opened, I jumped up and embarked him. His hatches shut and time went back to normal.


Time to kick ass.

"Alright, Raptor swap to Brute Loudout" I said, pressing a combo of buttons on a keypad. The XO-16 de-materialised and the Quad Rocket Launcher appeared in our hands.

 The XO-16 de-materialised and the Quad Rocket Launcher appeared in our hands

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I fired at one of the scorpions, killing it. A lot more appeared, along with a big flying bird Grimm. Suddenly it shot some sharp deadly feathers at us. I activated Vortex Shield and caught them. I then launched them back, killing a couple of the bird Grimm.

I then activated the Rocket Launchers on our back. On the small black robot arms on our back. We then fired at the scorpions and killed some of them.

When we finished the rest off we went back to the cliff. When we reached it Raptor knelt down and I disembarked. 

"Nicely done" Ozpin said. Smiling. 

When we got back to Beacon we were assigned a team. Team VOLT.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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