[Chapter_Two: Beacon?]

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<Eirik's POV>

"So..Let me get this straight. Your all a bunch of kids. Who, in fact. Part of a faction made of crime-fighting, monster-hunting hunters? While also having to endure the nightmare of four years of school? While also having to fucking study" I asked. "That's...Pretty much it" Blake responded.

"Jeez. Well, now I gotta find a way home either way..Shit" I muttered the last part. 

"PILOT, I THINK WE SHOULD GET A PLACE TO STAY" Raptor said. "Okay, where do you suggest, then?" I asked. "How about Beacon Academy?"

I quickly drew my rifle and turned to the new person.

"Nice gun, don't wanna waste ammo though, right?" the stranger asked

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"Nice gun, don't wanna waste ammo though, right?" the stranger asked. "And who are you?" I asked. "I am Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy" the stranger responded. 

"Okay?..Do you lot know this guy?" I asked. "Yeah! Hi Ozpin!" Ruby said. Smiling. 

Suddenly everything went dark for a second and I fell to a kneeling position. "PILOT!" Raptor said. "Are you okay?! Jaune asked as he ran over to help me stand, I sighed. "I-I'm fine" I lied, my voice glitching a bit as I was running low on power.

"PILOT, YOU ARE RUNNING ON 12% POWER, YOU ARE NOT 'FINE'" Raptor scolded. "Fuck.." I muttered. Some low static behind my voice.


"While your still alive. How about I make a deal with you?" Ozpin asked. My legs shook a bit, struggling to hold my own weight. "A-Alright..Shoot" I responded, wrapping a arm around Jaune to keep myself standing.

"Come to Beacon Academy and enrol in it. You and your Paladin would get a place to stay. And you would be able to learn about this world" Ozpin said. I sighed. "Fine..Deal" I said. Holding my hand out, he took it and shook it. He let go and my arm returned to my side.

"Now...How do we get there?" I asked. 

<Raptor's POV>

Ozpin had called in some aircraft and we were taken to Beacon. When we landed I had to carry Eirik in my hand. "This place..Is...Wow.." he said, his voice glitching a little due to his low levels of power.

He was running on 8% And was nearly dead. "You two make your way to the hanger. We will give you two a tour once your able" Ozpin told us. Eirik nodded. "Right...Raptor?"

I nodded and Ozpin lead us to the hanger. When we got in he helped Eirik to a bedroom and to a charger.

<Eirik's POV>

When I woke up I was at full power. I disconnected myself from the charged and I stepped forward and stretched.

"PILOT, HOW ARE YOU FEELING?" Raptor asked, walking up to a window in the room I'm in. "I feel fuckin' great! Really..Wow, did they charge me with dust?" I asked. "YES, THEY DID. YOU PROBABLY WONT NEED CHARGING FOR A FEW YEARS" Raptor responded. "Wow" 

I looked around the room. It was quite big. Not bad..

"I WILL SEND A MESSAGE TO PROFESSOR OZPIN  LETTING HIM KNOW YOUR READY FOR A TOUR" Raptor said. "Yeah. You do that" I said, smiling as best as I could. My mouth can't move much. Though it is possible to see what expression I'm making.

I gave Raptor a thumbs-up. He looked at his hand, then gave me a thumbs-up.

I walked over to and sat on a bed. I probably wont have to use it, but it's nice to do things that I used to do as a human. 

I fell backwards onto the bed and I relaxed. It's been a while since I've been able to just lay back and relax. "PILOT, SCANS INDICATE YOU ARE RELAXED. I'M GLAD YOUR OKAY" Raptor said. "Thanks, how are you. Bud?" I asked. "I AM DOING ALRIGHT PILOT. THANK YOU" He responded.

After a couple minutes Ozpin, some random lady. And some other guy walked in. I sat up. "Feeling better?" Ozpin asked. "Yeah, thanks..Who are they?" I asked. "This is Glynda Goodwitch. And this is General Ironwood. Of the Atlesian Military" Ozpin said. 

"Nice to meet you two..I guess" I said. Standing up. "So your the...'Pilot' I was told about?" Ironwood asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Pilot Eirik Northrisson of the Militia's SRS" I told him. "SRS?" He asked. "THE SRS IS A SECTOR IN THE MILITIA. KNOWN AS THE SPECIAL RECON SQUADRON . OR SRS" Raptor said, looking through the window. Glynda and Ironwood jumped at the voice. 

"Was that your Paladin? And how did you even get it? Or get it to talk?" Ironwood asked. "First, he's a Titan. Second, since I'm in the SRS I get a Vanguard Class-Titan. And third. All Titans can talk" I responded, crossing my arms.

"Okay? Well..I have some questions for you. Or whoever is controlling you" I was confused by the last part. "Nothing's controlling me, why do you say that?"  I asked. "There's no way a robot can be as smart or human-like, like you" he responded. "CORRECTION, HE IS A SIMULACRUM. A ROBOT THAT HAS THE MIND OF A HUMAN. HE USED TO BE A HUMAN" Raptor said. "Also, pretty sure our tech is a bit better than yours in some aspects" I added.

"Okay..." Ironwood said. "Anyways, what are your questions?" I asked. "Well, why are you here?" he asked.

"We were investigating a signal of a power source known as the Ark. We were trying to stop the IMC from getting their hands on it. To avoid what they were trying to do before" I responded.

"Who are the IMC?" Ironwood asked. I sighed. "Raptor you do the explaining" I said. Raptor nodded as best as he could. "ALRIGHT"

As he explained what the IMC were, I walked over to a computer in the room on a desk and I opened Remnant's internet and I looked through it. Some weird shit on here.

When Raptor was done explaining Ironwood asked. "But what does that have to do with being here?" He asked. "Well, when we tried to grab the Ark, it exploded or something. And we woke up here" I responded. He gave me a sceptical look.

"I honestly know nothing else, and I hope to get back to the Frontier. Where me and Raptor is from" I sighed. "Alright..What are you two going to do while here?" He asked. "Well, we're enrolling here at Beacon. For now anyway. When we can we will leave" I responded. "Alright"

"Anything else?" I asked. "No..That's it for now" He said. "Ozpin" He said before leaving.

"So..Can I have the tour?" I asked.

The Pilot (RWBY X Titanfall/// Male x Male)Where stories live. Discover now