Connor's Christmas Imagine:

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Connor's Christmas Imagine:
"Rex!" You smile as Connor opens his door with Rex hanging on his tee.
"Hello Con! I've missed you so much, how are you?" Connor says.
"Oh sorry Con, didn't see you there," you smirk. "I've missed you so much, how are you?" You mimic him, as he lets you in and kisses the tip of your nose.
"I'm good now," he smiles at you.
"Awesome, now can I have Rex?" You question.
"Rex baby do you want to go to Y/N?" Con asks Rex. You roll your eyes before Connor passes Rex to you.
"You cooked?" You're impressed as you walk into the kitchen to find a layed out table with loads of Christmas food, and of course chips!
"Yeah, don't sound so impressed!" Con rolls his eyes before taking Rex of you and putting him away in his cage/tank.
Connor lights a few candles and sits you down before kneeling before you.
"Y/N, we've know each other for so long now, and you said we would find an apartment after the new year, so I'd like to ask you, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He asks you opening a box with a lovely diamond ring. You are stunned and tears go into your eyes.
"Of course!" You squeal. Connor slides the ring onto your finger and gives you a soft but passionate kiss.
A Christmas present from ~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x
Merry Christmas! Xx

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