Storm Of The Dead

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( Alice's P.O.V.) 

I was terrified. Kona was screaming in pain and the dead pounding on our barricades, making them lean back and forth, the squeaking making my head hurt. 

They were everywhere. 

We're all going to die!

I started balling and no one really noticed me until everything simmered down. 

" Alice, love...." Miss Takagi said bending down to me. " You're going to need to get ready to run. Those things are going to get in soon. You're new brothers and sisters will protect you from those things."  


" GET BACK!" Takashi yelled as the front gate fell.


The dead turned into butter once again, but the dead kept on coming too as Takashi backed up. 

" Take her" Miss Takagi said to Rei as she ripped her dress up the side then loading her gun.

" Were?" 

" Just take her! Follow the citizens!" 

" Rei!" Takagi yelled. " COME OVER HERE!" 

" Here, put her in the vehicle." Rei said. handing me over to Takagi. " You might as well get in there too. Cover from the lid." 

" Where's Kona?" Syeshe asked as he darted over.

" Haven'tseen her. Same with Miss Marikawa."

" This place is done, no sense in sticking around." Takashi said darting towards us. 

" Did everyone get out?" Takagi asked.

" The radio has been silent and there are drawing most of them." 

" Did you see where my Mom went?" 

" No Saya, sorry." 

" We need to go," Kona said appearing, Miss Marikawa behind her. " The infected's blood is drawing more in.

" All aboard then." 

We made it out of there in one piece but ran into some serious trouble. The highway that we had to take to get out of Japan was full of the dead and vehicles.

" Let's begin this little road trip with a fucking bang!" Takashi yelled, then bullets started flying.

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