How it all Began

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June 1536

The castle was in an uproar upon hearing the Queen was in labor. As the hours past it was announced the baby was born. " Your Majesty has given birth to a son." Nan Seville told her mistress, Queen Anne.
" I hear we have a son!" The king boomed. "What shall we name him?

" Arthur after your brother." Anne replied.

This happiness didn't last however as the Queen died of childbed fever not long after the christening. The king was devastated but he knew he must marry again at some point to have a Duke of York. Within a year the king married Lady Jane Seymour .

" My Queen, There are two people I want to introduce to you." Henry said to his new wife. " Lady Bryan" He called to the governess.

" Your Majesty" She bowed.

" Jane, this is my son, Prince Arthur the Prince of Wales." He said as he held his one year old son. She curtsied with a strained smile, " Your highness."

" Lady Seville." He said.

Nan did the same as Lady Bryan. " This is my daughter the Princess Elizabeth, Princess Royal and Duchess of Pembroke." He introduced. " Say hello to your new stepmother my jewel." Henry whispered to his daughter.

" Hello Madam." She said politely. Elizabeth had heard things about this new queen. At three years old Elizabeth was quite clever and knew there was something about her she didn't like.

March 1543

As the years past since her fathers new marriage, Elizabeth gained two siblings. Prince Edward the Duke of York in 1538 and Princess Margaret in 1541. Other things that happened in those years was the execution of Cromwell and Breteon, which prompted the king to make an alliance with the Protestant countries upon learning Breteon was an assassin sent by the Catholic Pope. This alliance included, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Sweden and surprisingly France. The German princess, Princess Anne of Cleaves was sent to England and eventually married the Duke of Suffolk. Princess Margaret was betrothed to Prince Francis the son of the Dupain Henri, and Arthur was soon to be betrothed to Princess Anne of Denmark. No matches for Elizabeth and Edward unfortunately.

One day in 1543 the king summoned his family. " His Majesty the king!" The herald announced. The girls curtsied and the boys bowed. " My dear family, we are at war with Spain, I must go to battle. I leave my good friend the Duke of Suffolk as regent with the help of his wife." Henry explained.

And this is where the story begins.......

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