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Book Name: Lycan

Author: SilverStream22

Status: On-going

Description: He's the reason werewolves check their locked doors.

She's the reason that they feel safe around him.

Katya is a werewolf who runs the pack with her older brother, but when rogue clans threaten them from all around- they have no choice but to issue a meeting with a race that is superior in the werewolf world: Lycans. They represent the ultimate form of a werewolf, built for speed, agility and strength- they are a force beyond reckoning. Attending the meeting with her brother, Katya comes across the last person she thought she would meet: Stark Xerxes, the acclaimed "Alpha of the Lycans" But that's not the end of it.

She's his mate.

My Opinion: Have you guys ever been so heartbroken that all you want to do is eat all the ice cream in the world? Yeah, me neither... UNTIL I read Lycan... I seriously can't believe how evil authors can be :'(

SilverStream22 is a master in cliffhangers! (She definitely deserves to be called Queen of Cliffhangers) As I mentioned before I'm going thru a lycan/werewolf/shifter phase... And Lycan is definitely one of the best books I've come across... I definitely didn't expect for our dark and mysterious Stark to be *for your own good censors spoilers*. My poor, poor Katya! Anyways you guys got to read this book! (If you're into lycan/werewolf/shifter books)

AND A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO @FreakyFreaks for the new Wattpad Bliss book cover!!!!!!!! She messaged me Mid-November and I didn't notice her message until December! (Definitely installing internet at home next year) Again I'm sorry about that! She's an absolute sweetheart for making me this wonderful book cover! I simply loved it! I'll let you know, my twin sister loved it too! ;) Thank you so much!!!

You guys rock!!! B)

Hasta la vista my fellow wattpad readers!


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