I'm The Geek Who Slapped A Football Player By Pearlie

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Book name: I'm The Geek Who Slapped A Football Player

Author: Pearlie

Status: On-going

Description: (no description found) 

My opinion:
Bros... (I call everybody bro) this book. This motherfudging book. I absolutely freaking loved it!! To be honest, at first I got annoyed by Clarisses' easily angered attitude. But somehow we can sometimes forget that humans aren't perfect. Some people may be blessed in the beauty department but can have an awful personality. Some people may be not so blessed in the beauty department and still have an awful attitude. This book helped to remind me that even fictional characters are supposed to be humans. And we humans are most definitely not perfect.
Also this book is hilarious! Clarisse reminds me of myself whenever I encounter a cute guy... I tend to just stare and drool over their obviously blessed bodies.
Anyways. What are you waiting for?! Go add this book to your library!!

P.S. Today I ran into a ninja dude and he scared the crap out me when he acted as if he was going to attack us. Lol good times *le sigh*
Alabama was AWESOME!

Your fellow Wattpad reader,


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