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True to his word, Adam is nowhere to be seen when I wake. Other than my pillow smelling like him, I'm almost convinced it was all an elaborate dream. Even the bloody towel is missing.

In the space of one night, the world I thought I knew was unraveling. I need answers, and Adam's not here to give them to me. So I'll do what I always do when I need information—hit the Google search.

Moving through the rooms, I catch Adam's scent here and there. This detail is as comforting as it is disturbing. Any of this shouldn't comfort me. I've learned that my childhood fears are real and monsters walk among us—one slept on my couch last night.

With coffee in hand, I sit down at my desk and open my laptop to educate myself about vampires. My Internet searches are almost comical, and I still can't believe I'm trying to do serious research on such an improbable topic. Well, it was improbable twenty-four hours ago.


Several hours later I've learned there is a surprising amount of folklore and legend surrounding vampires. Obviously, there are some grains of truth woven into these stories. I will never listen to these tales the same way again. Even ghost stories will take on new meaning, and demand more of my respect.

I'm curious how vampires have been able to stay hidden behind legends and myths for so long. In many ways the evidence has been right under our noses. I find it intriguing that stories involving vampires appear in almost all geographic areas and cultures.

The macabre attraction to the mystique of vampires is slightly appalling. After an hour I found a chat room specifically for connecting human donors to possible vampires. I'm not sure if it's legit, but there seems to be a great deal of back-and-forth communication for something that is make believe or role play.

Before last night I wouldn't have given these sites a second thought. I might have even found them hilarious. Now, I'm not so sure. Many of the legends talk about the need for blood and issues with the sun, as well as turning into bats or other animals.

I wonder if Adam turns into something.

Some articles talk about the ability to fly. One of the older beliefs says that vampires may not enter your home without permission. That's a bit of false advertising I can lay to rest.

I have a long list of questions for Adam when I see him again. I'm dying to talk to someone about this new knowledge I've discovered, but could that knowledge put them in danger? Could it be dangerous for Adam as well? I don't know why I should care about his safety but I'll keep his secret for now.

Adam claims he's trying to protect me. I don't know if I trust him or not. He hasn't hurt me, and he's had plenty of opportunity. Maybe he's the type who likes to play with his food. People are easy to read; vampires not so much.

When I finally close my laptop, I have a pounding headache. I have so many more questions than when I started. How many vampires are there? Why are there vampires? Are there others like Adam and this Zachariah? Are they demons, dead or fallen angels? All these theories are relevant on the internet with heated discussions on the subjects.

I'm wondering if I should cancel my date with Gabe. What are the chances of being attacked by a supernatural creature in a public place? None really. All the women who've been murdered have been alone. It could be safer to go on a date. I deliberate on this subject for about five seconds.

I'm keeping my date with Gabe. I've been dreaming about this for months.


I return home after having a pedicure and shopping for something nice to wear tomorrow evening. A little normalcy to my day has helped clear my head a bit. I haven't been this excited for a date in years. That's actually rather pathetic, and another reason to go. I need this.

RED NIGHT ~ VAMPIRE FILES TRILOGY (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now