-c-h-a-p-t-e-r-3-part 2

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I pulled Hinata back towards me regaining the contact we had earlier, my heart started to race,


K a g e y a m a ' s  P O V

"Congratulations Tobio! We're so very proud of you!" My mom said to me with a big smile plastered on her face, I looked around and I was in a big stadium with people roaring their cheers for me, the lights shone on me, I held a trophy and a medal as I wore a Japan volleyball uniform.

I won MVP, I started crying out of happiness, I did it, my dream came true I'am th—



I woke up with fist to my face,

Who disturbed my perfectly beautiful and soon to be true dream!!!

I looked down only to see Himata sleeping on top of me with his fist in my face,


His body was right on top of mine, each of his exposed milky slender leg were placed on either side of me, one to my right and one to my left, it was slightly bent, kinda like how frogs bent their legs to swim,

and my body was literally between his legs,

His shorts were visible, it showed of Hinata's thick round butt, and his shirt was slightly pulled up, exposing some of his lower back,

his tiny but fit chest pressed against mine, I watched my unsteady breathing falling and rising as it countered his breathing on my chest,

my heart started to jump beats, it was like skipping on a rainy day, trying to avoid puddles, or when you play those tap tap games and your on the hardest level, that's how fast my heart went.

One of Hinata's hands were placed on my chest too and the other was in my face, his head snuggled into my neck,

I could feel his hot breaths being exhaled into the side of my neck, it gave me tingles all around my body.

And yet his face was completely peaceful, his face was so, so relaxed, HE WAS SLEEPING WHILE HE SMACKED MY FACE!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM! DOES HE ALWAYS DO THIS WHEN SLEEPING?

Okay breathe, just breathe, clear out your thoughts and relax, I'm going to just shove Hinata away and let him sleep like a normal person.

But I kinda don't want to move him, it was nice to have someone snuggle onto you, our heat being shared through contact with each other is a pleasant feeling, it feels really comfortable.

But still, he smacked me in the face while I was having the best dream in my whole entire life and he might have planned this... in his sleep...

Never mind that just get him off you Tobio, come on you can do this.

I shoved Hinata back to his side of the bed,

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