Lux's Special Mate

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I growled in anger and frustration! I couldnt understand what was going on inside my head. Another voice was always there commenting on everyones words. Sometimes i would slip up and repeat what he said.

Currently a very pretty she wolf was walking away from me crying because the voice had me say she was a boring whore. Though she was a whore it still wasnt nice to be so mean.

"Luna, why is this voice in my head whispering evil thoughts. Why cant i shut it out?"

I didnt expect an answer so i was surprised by the beatiful voice that whispered, "that is a question your mother needs to answer."

I looked around trying to find the owner of the voice but no one was around. It had to be Luna!

I quickly did as she said and made my way to my mother, the Queen's, study. I found her going through papers on her desk.

She looke up at me and smiled. I smiled slightly back at her before going and giving her a hug.

"Mom i have a question i need you to answer," i said watching her. If i hadnt watched her so closely i wouldnt have caught the slight look of unease cross her face. "What question do you have?"

"I asked Luna why i have a voice running through my head telling me dark thungs to say and giving me dark thoughts and why i cant get rid of it. She told me to speak with you," i saw her face pale.

"I hoped it'd never come to this. How foolish of me," she said in a low voice. "Come to what?" I asked feeling dread.

"To me having to tell you the story of your conception," she said sounding very old. I sat down on one of the couches and waited for her to speak.

"Your father is your father and he always will be, but the seed of another merged with your fathers to create you. I was raped by an evil man named Ssenkrad. He was the ruler of darkness. When we defeated him he swore vengeance on us. He said he would use you to be his darkness. Your light must overpower the darkness inside you. We haven't figured out a way for you to do that yet," she said all at once.

"Why didnt you tell me," i said getting angry. "I didnt want you to hate me," she said in a small voice. "So you leave me defenceless against something that has tormented me for years?" I said getting really angry now.

"I wasn't trying to. I was scared. Your my baby boy. I wanted to protect you," the love i felt coming from every ounce of her body let me shove back the darkness feeding off my anger and i pulled her into a hug. "I dont hate you Mom and i never could," i held her as she sobbed against me.

I knew one thing for sure. I couldnt stay here causing my fanily more pain. I needed to go on my own to figure out this darkness thing and how to defeat it.

I would leave tonight.

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