Part 8

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Naira's POV
Four days more, and then, I was going to be back in London. Back to my old life. I had University to attend. I had friends back there. And I thought, maybe that life could take my mind off Karthik .

I would be a big fat liar if I say I wasn’t in pain. It was hurting. The fact that he thought of me as some stupid and immature girl wasn’t hidden from me. To him, I may be that girl. But to me, it all made sense.

Back home, I was sitting on the kitchen counter. Crying and hogging on little ‘Dairy Milks’. I was down with five already and was eating the sixth one. I hadn’t even bothered to switch the lights on. I had once read in the food magazine, for a girl in depression, chocolates act as best friends. It was true.

Suddenly lights in the kitchen were turned on. I looked back to see mumma standing in the doorway. She looked horrified as she eyed the kitchen area. There were wrappers of chocolates thrown carelessly all over the floor.

“What’s all this,Naira ?!!” She asked.
“Wrappers.” I shrugged, now munching on a caramel bar. I probably had chocolate all over my face. Mumma sighed and picked them up one by one as she knew I was not gonna do that.
“May I ask why are you eating chocolates at midnight ?!! You didn’t even have the dinner.” She stated, crossing her arms across her chest.
“I wasn’t hungry.” I replied getting down from the counter. This time I made sure to throw the wrapper in the bin. I opened the refrigerator, looking for any more sweets to dine.

“We dont have any more chocolates.” She said sternly. I groaned internally and slammed the door shut. I was craving for more and more. It was getting worse.

“Naira , I know you are worried about Karthik .” She said. Not again. I didn’t want to think about him. I wanted to pretend like I never met him. But every person and thing around me, reminded me of him.

“No not now mumma.” I tiredly replied, checking the drawers for some snacks.

“Naira, you have to understand that this stubborn behaviour of yours is gonna lead you nowhere. You are not only ruining your life, but also his.” She said. She already knew the real reason behind me leaving this place. She was the only person who knew. Apart from Karthik now, of course.

“Its not my stubbornness mumma. Its my belief. That if I stay with him any longer, something’s gonna happen to him !!” I exclaimed, dramatically throwing my hands in the air.

“How can you be so sure ?!!” She challenged.

“Him getting into an accident was not a coincidence. It was a freaking sign !! Why can’t you see that ?!!” I was so hyped.

“No I can’t. From where I can see all this, I know that you and him clearly love each other. And if two people love each other there is nothing that can stop them from being together.” She said. She sounded like a love expert.

Nevertheless, those words of her wanted me to change my decision of going back. Just for a split second, I thought that I was wrong. But then taking again this risk and putting Karthik’s life in danger would be the last thing I wanted to do.

“That’s rubbish, mumma. If I love him, I can love him from a distance. But you have to accept the fact that I m nothing but sheer bad luck for him. I have almost lost him once. I cant do that again.” I said.

She heaved a deep sigh. I sensed a mother- daughter heart to heart conversation coming up. She straightened her position before speaking up.

“I never told you but your papa and I too had our problems. We have gone through some really tough times. There was a time, when I was stupid enough to let go off your dad’s love. But soon I realised that surviving without him is not possible for me.Naitik is the man wo has accepted me the way I m. No matter how much ever we fight or argue, we ll always love each other. And there’s nothing that can keep me away from him.Today I can see myself in you. That look in your eyes say you are dying to be with him. But you can’t. I have gone through this same phase before,Naira. And trust me, it sucks. I dont want my daughter to go with same patch that I have gone through before. I want you to be happy.” She said.

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