Hate to Admit

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Y/n was sitting class her eyes beginning to close as the teacher kept talking and talking
oh goodness this class is so boring
Y/n looked around the classroom her eyes began to dart at Daring Charming
Her.....crush Y/n hates to admit it but she did like blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes
they joke around some times and be flirty
talking about
"I'll make you my Queen some day Y/n" He'll say
"Yeah okay" she'll reply
but it wasn't meant to be Y/n was a rebel he was royal

the bell rang finally
and Y/n was the first one out while Y/n was walking she felt footsteps follow her outside of school Y/n quickly turned around her eyes meeting

"Daring?" Y/n asks
"Oh uhm Hi Y/n" Daring greets fixing his crown
an awkward silence
"So um why you following me" She ask
"Look....We both know there is something between us...wether we like it or not but I'm in love with you Y/n why can't you see that?" He argues
Y/n's been dodging this question it's not like she doesn't want to answer
But what'll people say

"Daring we just are not meant to be you are a royal you deserve so much more" Y/n said and began to walk away
"Y/n I know you better than anyone else in school I know you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you" Daring raises his voice and began to follow her

His slight tone in his voice made her jump a little
"I-I can't keep doing this it pains me that you don't feel the same way after all this time" He says with a hint of sadness

Y/n stopped and started to choke up she turned to Daring
she cuffed his soft face and made him look at her

"Daring I loved you I always have I just hate to admit to things.... things like my feelings...But I know what my heart wants I love the way we flirt with each other I love your blond hair and your lovely blues eyes that I can stare at all day
it's not the fact I don't wanna be seen with you it's the fact that people will talk about me and especially about you" Y/n softly spoke to him

Daring kept silent Y/n still cupping his face
"Let me know when to stop" She whispers and leans in
and kisses Daring Charming
a long sweet kiss filled with real true love Y/n didn't want it to end

after some time Daring had to break the kiss and look deeply into Y/n's eyes full of hope and courage
"Are you sure you can be seen with me?" Y/n softly asks Daring

He began to smile widely and cry tears of joy
"YES Y/n! A millions times YES" He joyfully exclaims hugging you Y/n quickly hugs him back tighter

"I love you my queen" Daring whispers in your ear
"I love you more my king" Y/n softly plants a kiss on his forehead as they begin to hold hands and began to walk back to school to show everyone

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