Play me that song

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Y/n peacefully sat under a tree listening to her boyfriend sparrow hood tune his guitar right next to her

" ha! Got it " he cheered

Y/n opened one eye and smiled sparrow looked at her and grinned
"Any requests?" He asked snuggling up against you and plucking a few strings

Y/n dreamily sighed and snuggled back
" play me that song you sang when we first met " Y/n said
He kissed your head
" okay my love"

Sparrow began to put his fingers in place of his guitar and took a deep breath

" I never thought I'll fall in love"
He strum his fingers and sang
" I never thought I could fall for a beauty like her
She was sweet like candy with those lips I could kiss all day
I knew I had to make her mine"

He pulled a long note on his guitar

" ooh my sweet heart I love you so much and when you said yes.."
He gave you a lovesick look to Y/n looked back at him with her big goo goo eyes
"My world had gotten a million times better~"
he finished
Y/n cuddled his arm still looking at sparrow
Sparrow caressed her face and softly kissed her you happily kissed him back
" now that you're mine "

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