Running heartbeat

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Dexter charming was watching Y/n L/n stretch for a running competition she was the second best next to Cerise Hood

Dexter softly huffed watching her do jumping jacks
Y/n being oblivious
Cerise took a look at the crowd cheering them both
her eyes landed on Dexter he was staring at something so intently she followed where he was looking
he was looking at Y/n
Cerise gasps she quickly went over to Y/n leaned in to whisper in her ear
"not sure if you notice Y/n but Dexter Charming is looking at you...and i think i saw him bit his lip a few times "
Y/n's face went hot and quickly stood up
she looked back at the crowd to find Dexter he was still looking at her
His face went red and awkwardly waved Y/n along with Cerise giggles
Y/n blew a kiss to Dexter he his face went redder
"i'll see you at the afterparty?" Y/n mouthed to Dexter
with a shocked expression Dexter happily nodded
Cerise smiles at Y/n

"Racers to the starting line" the coach announced
Y/n got in the running position along with Cerise
"GOOD LUCK Y/N!!" Dexter Yelled making the crowd more wild with chanting
Y/n smirked


"you can't wait now huh?" Cerise laughed


"hah nope" Y/n laughed


Y/n and Cerise yelled began to sprint

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