Chapter 11

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"So," She replied, "May I come in or are you just going to stand there?" She asked, laughing to herself.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Sure, come on in." Willow told her, opening the door the rest of the way to let her in. Willow knew why Eleanor was here, she was there to talk to her. 

"Anyways, I'm just going to get to the point." Eleanor said, shutting the door behind her and sitting on Willows bed. "Having some family problems?" Willow sighed, sitting down next to her.

. . . 

"I see, that's what happened. Jeez!" Eleanor shook her head, muttering something Willow couldn't understand.

It had taken hours. Two to be exact. Willow had told her everything from what happened as of recently to what she went through with her other families. 

"If I'm completely honest, I don't blame you." Willow was surprised at these words. "Hutch can be really rude and a jerk. I would know.." The last part Willow could barely make out. 

"So.." Eleanor looked up to face her. "You know practically everything about him?"

"Well.. yeah I guess you could say that. He's pretty sensitive really." Eleanor said, answering.

Willow paused for a moment, "Could I ask some questions about him?"

Eleanor shrugged, "Sure, but only three. I kinda promised him I wouldn't say anything. I mean, I don't want to get him in the hospital again."

Willow laughed slightly at her words. "Okay. Um, why are you two not friends anymore?"

She sighed, "Of course you would ask that... Uh, we just don't get along."

"Why does Hutch hate you so much? He's always moody when I bring you up." 

Eleanor stiffened at the comment, "I already told you didn't I? We don't get along."

Willow sighed, "Fine. Why did he ask you of all people to come to talk to me?"

"Oh that's easy, he trusts me." Eleanor said simply. 

"But... I thought he hates you..?" Willow replied, obviously confused. 

"He hates me, but trusts me. There's a difference. A big one." She answered. 

Willow nodded at he answer, trying to connect the dots. Although Willow didn't know much about what happened between the two of them, she knew it had to be something big.

. . .

After the conversation with Eleanor Willow had said 'sorry' to Hutch and Eleanor. She had tried saying 'sorry' to Sam but he said she didn't have to considering it wasn't her fault. 

Willow walked into the backyard, getting ready to start her chores. She walked over to the pig pen and looked at their food. Deciding it needed to be refilled she went into the barn and grabbed the pig feed. As she carried it on her back and dumped the food into the bin. Looking up she didn't believe what she saw. 


Authors Note:

So, uh, hi! Yeah, I got another chapter posted. Can't believe I managed to do that. But, to be fair, I wrote chapter 10 and 11 the same day soooo... Anyway! Just wanted to say, I'm hoping to post more often considering the worlds conditions at the moment. But, ye. I can't promise anything though because I have online classes at the moment and have a lot of homework I need to catch up on. Welp, that's all there really is to say at the moment but ye. Bye! <3

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