Chapter 3

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Willow woke up. 1:56 A.M., she rolled out of her covers. She opened her door to the dark hallway. Walking passed Hutch's room she heard a thud from behind his door. Willow stopped, leaning on his door to see if he was awake. The door burst open, Hutch staring down at her. 

"What are you doing up this late? You should be in bed." His eyes searching her for an answer. 

"I... Uh..." She stuttered. 

"Well..? Why are you up so late?" Hutch's voice hardened. They both sighed. With his eyes lighting up he said, "Come with me." 

Before Willow had a chance to say anything Hutch grabbed her by the hand, dragging her down the stairs. Hutch quietly opened the slidder door, padding out onto the patio.

"Here, put these on. You're gonna want them." He handed her a pair of shoes. As she was tying her sneakers he grabbed her hand again and ran. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Willow asked, frustrated. Hutch slowed to a stop. 

He winked, "Try to keep up then!" Hutch then bolted away from her. 

"G-GET BACK HERE!" Hutch just laughed at her. 

"We're here." Hutch said. Catching up to him, she realized they were in a huge field. 

"So, why are we here?" She asked panting. 

"Because I thought you might like it here. Guess I was wrong..." Hutch looked disapointed. 

"No! I mean, I do like it!" Willow said. "WOAH!" She tripped, falling facefirst into the mud. Hutch almost fell over laughing. Willow got up, wiping her face. "Hey! That's not funny! You pushed me!" Hutch kept laughing. Willow started chasing him. "I'LL GET YOU BACK!" She yelled. 

"Oh yeah? Catch me first!" Hutch ran so fast Willow didn't even see him for much longer. She stood in disbelief. "HAHAHA!" Hutch stopped, bursting out laughing once more. 

"Well, we better get back home. Mom will be awake soon to feed the animals. Let's go." Hutch said. 

. . .

Once they had finally got back to the house they both bolted up to their rooms. It seemed like Darlene was just getting up. They both made it just in time. Closing her door Willow breathed a sigh of relief. 

. . .

It was now morning and Willow was having breakfast with Darlene. 

"So, about those chores I mentioned. What kind of chores would you like to do? I need some help in the morning with the animals. What do you think?" Darlene mentioned while putting some pancake into her mouth. 

"Um, sure. I mean, I don't really mind what kind of chores I get." Darlene's eyes lit up.

Setting down her fork she said, "Great, you'll start with me tomorrow!" Darlene finished and got up, putting her plate away in the sink. 

Authors' Note

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say sorry for not posting in awhile. I've just been really busy caught up in life and everything else. I'll be posting again sometime next week too. Sorry for the short chapter too. Thank you for understanding!

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