Chapter Three

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I wanted to issue a warning. The rest of this story is very adult in nature and the end of this scene could cause some people to become uncomfortable. Trust in the author to make things right and everything will be fine.

Ash flexed his fingers hoping to get some blood to them. After being shackled in here for more than a week he was beginning to really itch to get out. As far as Ash was concerned, he’d learned enough about the Human’s to know that he wanted nothing to do with them and their peach colored skin. Finding another race to mix the genepool with was going to have to be top priority. His brother’s would be here soon enough and hopefully they would be able to take out the majority of the humans on board before they left.

The familiar beep of the lock disengaging to his cell brought his head up. He still couldn’t see but someone came in with heavy footsteps and there were a few other pairs around him.

“I’m General Roubideau and you are an interesting specimen.”

The man poked his flesh. “Soft on the outside and yet, somehow hard on the inside. Our medical staff claim that the x-rays show no abnormalities in your skeletal system, so now I wonder how you’re causing so much trouble for our medical staff.”

Ash didn’t say anything. Instead he just listened hoping for a better indication of what they wanted. He didn’t have to wait long.

“The small amount of blood we got from your wound…which appears to have been doctored,” he paused. “Interesting. Anyway, the small amount we were able to extract told us you have an extremely high amount of testosterone in your system. More than we were able to get into our test subjects before they died.”

Test subjects? What the hell were they doing? “Humans are too weak to sustain anything,” Ash growled.

“This is true. That’s why we need you. My men die far too easy in combat as you’ve already noticed. We need to breed stronger warriors and I am willing to make a deal. If you help us by voluntarily breeding with a few women and give us some of your sperm for possible cloning, we will free you. If you throw in the information as to the whereabouts of your home planet, I may consider being nice.” The general said all of this like it was no big deal.

Giving people like this the chance to make a stronger race under their control was not something he would ever be willing to do. If he was to, no one in all of the galaxies would be safe from their tyranny. Not in a million years would he do something to endanger his own people and other more innocent races.

“Over my dead body.” He breathed.

The General sighed. “That’s a shame. I suppose we will have to do it the hard way.” The General stepped forward and tore the blindfold off of his face. Dim light showed the generals hard eyes and the two guards behind him in what appeared to be their standard uniforms.

“Go ahead and make him a bit more pliable.”

The guards came forward and snapped out their batons. They were going to beat him? Really?

Ash began to laugh as they hit him over and over again. On the ribs, thighs, shoulder. Everywhere but his head. His face was restricted for only fists. Apparently they didn’t want to damage his brain too much. Each blow stung horrid. A few knocked the wind out of his lungs but he continued to laugh as best he could. Not because it was terribly funny, but because their panic at his laughter in such a time freaked them out. If they were going to use psychological warfare on him, he would turn the tables on them and do the same. They seemed just stupid enough to not realize what he was doing.

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