Phoenix rising

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We heard an explosion and then a boy ran out yelling,

"Emelia we need to get moving, a shadow's been bor-!" he paused and stared in my direction...

"Is that my hoodie?" he questioned.

"No" I lied.

"We'll get back to that later. Sam, let's move! Xern You, stay close!" Emilia ordered.

I complied. To be honest I only agreed because I was curious.

Emilia stood up, as she did grey tinted wings came out of her back, her cardigan falling to the ground. I stared at her in amazement, her wings were beautiful.

"Take this," Sam said, handing me what looked like an ear piece.

I put it in.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"It allows us to hear each other from anywhere within 20 miles, I invented it myself" he said. I detected a bit of pride.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"We go in to destroy the shadow before it can kill its host no room for error, if any one dies we fail '' elmilia says in a very dry demeanor.

"Xern I want you to protect the humans while me and Sam take out the shadow" Emilia said putting her hand on my shoulder.

I nodded.

"Let's go!" Sam said.

"Right" me and Emilia replied in unison.

About 10 minutes of running, we arrived. We found ourselves at the center of the city. Buildings collapsed, people injured, the roads cracked, then I saw a beast similar to the one who attacked my home in the abyss. I felt a surge of power as my rage built.

"That thing has already killed dozens of people," I said through gritted teeth.

"how can you know that?" Sam questioned.

"It attacked my home in the abyss, it's why i'm here" I held out my hand without thinking, as a scythe appeared in it.

"Beast who slain innocents without mercy this is my judgment!" I yelled as I rushed towards the beast.

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