The First Task

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A/N: I know I mentioned I was going to update my other story before updating this one, but I started making the next chapter for this one and I couldn't stop. So enjoy.

Thirds Person POV:

Please, someone kill me.....

Alastor shook himself out of the stare, he turned around and put his hand next to his eyes to block the naked man infront of him. Angel quickly picked up the towel and put it back around his slim waist. He also picked up the clothes that were dropped on the floor. Well, now Alastor knows what he looks like naked and they've only known eachother for two days! They both wanted to move on from that awkward situation, but they couldn't stop thinking about it.

Alastor decided to change the subject, "You can change yourself in my chambers since the guest room is.....unavailable," Angel didn't quite understand what he meant by 'unavailable', but he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. Alastor guided Angel to the bedroom and left him after saying, "Come out when you're ready," and with that, he went off.

Angel immediately ran into the room, locking the door. He scolded himself for doing such an embarrassing thing. Putting that thought away, he placed the clothes on the bed which was in the corner of the room. Alastor's room didn't hold much, there was a single bed, even more books, an oak desk and a gramaphone. There wasn't much to choose from, Alastor's colour scheme was just black, brown and white. Angel usually wore a more vibrant pink, these colours infront of him were dull. He just settled on the black slacks and the white dress shirt. It wasn't his style, but it'll do for now. The clothes fit surprisingly well, he put on his lace up boots and tried to fix his blonde locks.

Taking in a deep breath, he walked out of the bedroom and into the main area of the cabin. Alastor was, once again, reading a book whilst sitting on the red couch. This time, he seemed too focused on his book to notice that Angel was in the hallway, looking at him. Angel caught his attention by coughing. The brunette looked up and placed his book on the side table that was beside the couch.

"Oh, I see you've chosen what clothes you wish to wear," Alastor started looking him up and down. "They fit fine, yes?" He adjusted his oval glasses as he started walking closer to the blonde. He took a note of the others eye movements as he got closer. They seemed to be looking everywhere except him.

"Yeah, they're fine......" Angel trailed off, he stared down at his hands. This was how his Father would usually dress, except he wasn't wearing a black fedora. He promised himself to never become his Father, but now, he was dressed like him. Perfect.

Alastor began walking around Angel, circling him like a hawk hunting its prey. His hands were resting behind his back and his eyes were closed, not needing to know where he was going. "Right, now that you're washed and cleaned, are you reading to go?" He asked, stopping dead in his tracks, his eyes now open and looking at the man infront of him who was very confused.

"Go where?" Angel questioned, putting his hand on the back of his neck. He felt a little stupid asking a question like that, especially infront of someone like Alastor, but he honestly didn't know what he was on about. The radio host chuckled as if he'd just heard the most silly question ever, which made Angel feel even worse. Alastor was now opposite the other and leaned down to face his eyes directly.

"My my, we're going out to do our first task and you're going to help me with it!" Angel was about to ask him to specify what he meant by 'task' but as if he read his mind, he spoke again. "Before you ask, yes, this task will involve violence," Alastor laughed, not bothered by the fact he had to hurt someone. He seemed quite excited, actually. "I assume you know how to use a weapon?" He asked, walking to the kitchen grabbing two very sharp objects and a pair of gloves.

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