The deal

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Anthony's POV:

Everything hurt like hell. I felt like I've been dragged up a rocky mountain. I tried to put my hand on my head, but to my dismay, both of my hands and feet were restricted. When my head stopped spinning, I realised I was tied to a chair. Because I've basically lived in darkness my whole life, I could clearly see I was in some sort of basement. Along the grey walls, were a long row of
different sharp to the touch tools. In one corner, there was a work bench covered in fresh blood.

But what caught my eyes, were the two lifeless bodies in the corner, which were placed carelessly as if they were rag dolls. I squinted my eyes to take in the features of, of what I assumed to be, two men. One man had black hair and a scar......"Don't ya fuckin' move!"
Whilst the other man had brown hair and miscoloured eyes....."Well, don't you look pretty?"

My eyes widened. These men. These two damn men. They were in the forest last night with me and......Alastor! They're dead, did Alastor do that? Where is he? Did he bring me here? What the hell are all these tools for?

Suddenly, my thoughts were interupted by a feint rumbling noise which gradually got louder. My head snapped to where the two men were. Out of nowhere, the dead men rose to the ceiling, eyes now red and a black aura surrounding them. I was in disbelief, my breathing began to pick up its speed and I started to shake.

They both opened their mouths as if to speak, which they did. They started to speak, but it all sounded like gibberish.

"Enophorcim eht sdloh ohw nam eht eraweb!" The miscoloured eyed man said, I wanted to scream, but I was paralysed.

"Smees eh tahw ton si eh!" The scar faced man said after. My head turned to him. What's going on? I was so scared.

"RotsalA flesmih sllac ohw nam eht tsurtsed!" They both shouted in unison. After that, they dropped to the floor and everything faded to black.

I shot up, gasping for air. My head looked from side to side, I was still in the basement. Everything looked the same, even the bodies looked untouched. Was that all a dream? All was forgotten, I was still down there and tied up with no way out. I tried to break free of the restraints, but obviously failed.

The sound of struggle didn't go unheard, as the door heading down to the basement swung open. I stopped all my movements, I gupled to hold in a yelp. Whoever it was, they were coming down the stairs painfully slow.

I heard them chuckle and realisation hit me like a brick. Oh god, it can't be....
As if to prove my statement wrong, the person made it to the last step to reveal themself.

It was Alastor....

"You're awake, I see," he said in a mono tone voice, a smile forever glued to his face. I whimpered as a response, the restraints would definitely leave a bruise. Yes, I've been trained for these situations. I know how to act and get out. But, did I think about using that knowledge? Nope.

Alastor put his fingers on my chin, forcing me to look at him. Eventhough he was probably going to hurt me, I couldn't help but acknowledge how beautiful he was. He laughed, similiar to the one I heard last night. I had so many questions, but I didn't dare to speak.

"Now," he stood upright, clapping his hands together. "Let's get started, shall we?" He walked over to where the deadly tools were. My eyes widened in fear and I started to protest.

"No, wait, please!" I shouted, trying to get out of the chair.

Alastor looked over to me and cocked a brow to say, 'go on'.

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