Done For

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TW: mentions of drug abuse and non-consensual touching

Anthony stood there, merely trembling whilst gripping his dress.

‘Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.’ He thought and clenched his teeth tightly, almost breaking them.

Valentino talked about a deal with Henrion, didn’t he? He made a deal with his father. His father has money; a lot of money. He’s probably been funding him this whole time. Paying him to take Anthony back to New York so they can do God knows what to him. His prediction; his father would protect his pride and beat him mercilessly and then let Valentino keep him as his own little pet, as a punishment, disowning him obviously.

Anthony started glaring at the perturbing building, letting out a disgruntled grunt. During his one-man staring contest, Alastor stepped forward, slowly, and leaned over to see if the other was still conscious. He was, obviously. But, noticing he was barely paying attention to anything but the building, he moved his hand in front of his face and waved it in an attempt to get him out of his trance.

“Hello there…? Earth to-”

The sudden speech startled Anthony, very much so. Out of his mobster instinct, he suddenly whipped around and punched Alastor in the nose.

Sir Pentious’ jaw dropped in shock as he just missed catching Alastor as he stumbled back and fell back onto the floor.

If you had a keen eye, you could see his smile dropping from the pain. Just for a second, though. He hissed and grimaced from the pain and covered his now bleeding nose. He wasn’t able to make any remark at the moment as he took the offered hand from the blonde and wobbly stood up, swaying from the surprisingly vast amount of blood he was losing.

Anthony, realising what he accidentally did, helped Alastor up and uselessly tried to wipe the blood away.

“Holy shit, Al. I’m so sorry, I didn’t see ya there, ya scared me…”

“Why in the world did you do that?!” Pentious butted in, hissing out his words with venom, “First you fail dismally at that plan you thought of, then you bring us to a prostitute hang out, and now you’re starting to punch people without reason! I knew you Italians were rough ones.”

Anthony looked at Pentuous testily and went over to him, dropping Alastor in the process, who just lay there and held his nose.

“Listen here, Pentious, another word outta your mouth and I’m fuckin’ done helpin’ you. Do you got that?!”

"Oh, woe is me! That would be a complete and utter shame!" Pentious barked brusquely.

"Oh, y'know what?!" Anthony started, rubbing his forehead in frustration, "Take Alastor home, or just away from here, and I'll follow behind ya afterwards, 'kay?"

Pentious stared at Anthony, then to Alastor. He scoffed, but decided to relinquish. He went around the half-passed out man and slid his hands to his underarms hesitantly.

"Am I just supposed to drag him back?" Pentious asked mirthlessly.

"Ain't my problem. Try 'n' stop the blood though… It'd be kinda terrible if he almost dies from blood loss. I just gotta do somethin' real quick in here-"

"Do not go into any details," Pentious interrupted with a snarl before slowly lifting Alastor off the ground, only lifting his top half, "How in the devil am I supposed to drag him a few feet?! He's a skinny fellow, but he's heavier than a bag of bricks!"

"Jesus, that's 'cause he's out cold. He's gone limp, so he's heavier, dumbass."

"Do have fun in that whore house. I'll inform Alastor where you are if he wakes up. Farewell!"

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