• S i x • ☆ M i d o r i y a ☆

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The two watched movies until Izuku fell asleep again.

"Not tired, huh?" Shinsou whispered.

There was a knock on Shinsou's door.

"Um," he said, being as quiet as possible, "come in but be quiet."

Iida poked his head in.

"Oh, he's in here. I brought Midoriya his homework and notes for today. Also, if he's sick, maybe you shouldn't be that close," Iida whispered.
"He's not actually sick, but something happened and he wasn't able to sleep until four am. I needed him to stay here with me because he would have practically died during school today."
"Ah, well, I hope he feels better."
"Thanks, Iida."
"No problem."

Iida walked out of the room, closing the door gently behind himself.

"How was Deku?" Uraraka asked.
"He wasn't sick, however, it was very apparent that he was sleep deprived and dehydrated. He was asleep in Shinsou's room."
"Aww! Were they cuddling? I bet they looked super cute together!"
"If it would make you happy to know, yes, they were indeed cuddling. And yes, they did make quite a cute pair."
"Yes!" she squealed.

Shinsou looked at the boy curled up beside him and gave a small smile. He turned the TV off and curled around the smaller boy, eventually falling asleep as well.

When the two woke up, it was 6 PM. Deku, despite wanting to cuddle Shinsou more, got up first and went down stairs. Many people came up to him asking if he was okay. He was still half asleep at this point and just mumbled something about being fine and how the others didn't need to worry.

When Shinsou came down stairs, he found Midoriya cooking dinner. He was wearing gloves and a face mask (provided by the other students because they couldn't convince him to let someone else cook, even though it was his night). The other students were either in their rooms, playing Mario Cart in one half of the common room, or they were watching stupid horror/comedies in the other half of the common room. At times, Midoriya would be watching the movie and let out a small laugh when the characters did something incredibly stupid. Shinsou offered to help Midoriya and ended up on salad duty.

After dinner, Midoriya insisted on doing the dishes, despite how many offers he got (and the fact that it was Iida's night to do the dishes), so Shinsou stayed and helped with that, too.

"They kind of look like a married couple," Uraraka snickered, whispering at Mina as the two splashed water at each other.
"No doubt," Mina whispered back, "someday, they probably will get married!"
"But what about Monsieur Bakugou?" Aoyama asked, "It is very clear that he, too, is pining over Midoriya."
"That's true!" Mina whisper yelled. "They'd make a perfect couple too!"
Uraraka sighed, "Of course they would be! So would Todoroki and Deku! He just has so much chemistry with everyone..."
"Argh! All of these ships are hurting my brain!" Mina complained. "Who is he going to end up with?"
The three of them headed up to Mina's room, officially dubbed the shipping room, to discuss Izuku's love matters further.

"Hey, Izu, wanna sleep in my dorm again tonight?" Shinsou asked nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah! I was wanting to ask you if I could!"
"That would be great."
Izuku just smiled and continued to dry the dishes.
Shinsou didn't know how to tell him that he found it easier to sleep when he was there. He didn't know how to tell him that his real, genuine smile lit up his whole world. He couldn't tell him that just being able to talk to him and see him made his life worth living. So many secrets he had to keep, because he was afraid it would ruin whatever relationship they had.

I'm sorry, Midoriya. There are so many things I want to tell you, but I just can't. Please forgive me.

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