Chapter 4

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*A/N: Feedback please :) Comment what you think about my story please :) A pickture of Nyla is over that way ------>*


We sat and watched as Link listened to Ilia and the other two spirits. We'd been watching for the past three minutes and no one had said or done anything the whole time. Quite frankly, I was beginning to get bored. I was about to get up and walk out when Midna decided to move.

"Well, it looks like you're going to have to find those tears of light soon huh?" She giggled mischievously. Link stepped away from Ilia and turned to Midna with a growl that I figured meant yes.

"Alright then, let's go," Midna said and sat on Link's back. Link started towards the door.

"Midna-" Ceiro started, but got cut off by the door opening. We all stiffened. As far as we all knew it could only be one of two things one of many twilight monsters or Zant, who seemed like an extremely bad guy. I didn't really want to come in contact with either of the two.

Ceiro's hands started to spark.

"Ceiro calm down, don't go using magic on any random object you come in contact with, you know what'll happen to you." Midna's mischievous grin never left her face. Ceiro glanced at Midna and nodded. His head snapped back to the door when it came fully open and three cloaked figures walked in. The one in the middle lowered her hood.

"Oh calm down, it's not like I'm going to do anything." She pushed her cloak back to reveal a long black sleeveless dress. The dress skirt had a slit going down the side of it and the dress showed her stomach. It covered her right side and her chest and came to a spiral on her left side. She had sleeves on her arms, but they weren't attached to the dress. They were long and reached the ground, but only on the side where it was between her arms and sides. She had such a bright blue design on it that it seemed to glow and probably did. Her hair was orange and really long, it nearly reached the ground and had purple tips. It had a small bun on the very top of her head and the rest of her hair flowed easily down her neck and back. She had two strands of hair that hung down and framed her face and she had a black circle around her eye. Her skin was a light grey/blue color like Midna's. She was extremely elegant and far prettier than me.

"Nyla, they know what you're capable of, it's only logical that they be weary of you. You could be on Zant's side for all they know." Came a more mature-ish voice and another hood was taken back and cloak pushed back. She was a blonde that looked a year, maybe two, older than Nyla. She had a hood that was open in the front and back. It was attached to her dress rather than her cloak and her dress was a long black dress with long black sleeves that were the same length as her arms. She showed absolutely nothing, unlike Nyla. Her skin was a light grey like Ceiro's and she had a more serious look on her face. Her eyes were the same as Nyla's as they seemed to be with most Twili. An absurd bright color. Usually red and yellow. Her blonde hair was long, at least waist length, and some was pulled up on the top of her head with a metal tie that came to a sharp point that stuck off her head. She turned her head to look at Nyla and I noticed that she had all of her hair tied together at the end of her hair with a metal ring, she also had a metal circlet with a red gem inlaid decoration on it. The decoration was almost caduceus like, but it had three little stems coming off of it. More like six, because there were three on each side. Then on the bottom part of it, the spiraled part, it had two stems in the exact same fashion coming off of it, more like four since they were the same way as the ones at the top of the decoration. It spiraled down until it almost reached betweeen her eyes. This circlet seemed to be holding her hood on, along with two clips that she had clipped to the hood and her hair on either side. She, also, had two strands of hair framing her face, but they weren't just strands, because it was enough hair to tie into two small ties at the middle of the strands. She was also wearing a necklace that matched her circlet. There was something else different about her though. She had green markings coming off of her right eye to the cheek bone and to the very right side of her face. They also lined her nose on either side. Her left eye had black underneath it, almost like Nyla's circle around her eye, but on a different side, her's looked almost like a curved blade. Her left eye was also lined in her green markings. Her lips were a dark grey, rather than the dark purple that Nyla's were.

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