Going home.

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It was home time Georgie was herself but she was off which was expected she hadn't told her family she didn't know what she was going to do she lived with her parents and sisters still. She sat on the plane staring into thin air Charlie walked over and sat down next to her "how have you managed to cover a baby bump up for 5 months Georgie Lane" he smiled making sure nobody else could hear "I've barely got a bump" she said still staring "hey" he said she looked at him "what are you worrying about?" He asked "you know Charlie I used to see this day in my mind, I saw myself so happy, but I used to imagine this day with Elvis and he's not here, I wanted children I think I did anyway, but I wanted children with him" she said "you've got a baby with him this one and it's always going to be half of him" he said she nodded "you came back to Afghan pregnant Georgie don't ever do that again" he said "I know, but I didn't know, I didn't know until a week after being here" she said "how did you find out?" He asked "a pregnancy test" she said confused "I didn't know we had any that's all" he said she nodded "we do in the medical supplies" she said he nodded. "What are you going to do then George?" He asked "tell my parents I suppose, I mean if Elvis was still alive he probably wouldn't be after that conversation with my dad" she tried to crack a smile and so did Charlie "then look for my own place, I live with my parents Charlie" she said he nodded "you've got this" he said "I want to come back to the army my life is such a mess" she cried. Charlie just held her hand as they watched out the window for the final couple of hours home.
When they got back Charlie drove Georgie home she knocked on the door and her mum answered ecstatic "mum there's something I need to tell you" she said tears in her eyes "what's wrong love?" She asked concerned now "let's go inside" she smiled Grace nodded and walked in following her she put her bags down and took off her boots, Beret and jacket so she was in her trousers and T-shirt. "I want to just tell you before I tell anyone else" she said looking at her mum she nodded "I'm pregnant" she said tears in her eyes Grace didn't know what to say "oh sweetheart" she said taking her into her arms Georgie cried into her shoulder and her mum rubbed her back "Georgie who's is it?" She asked "it belongs to Elvis" she cried Grace just held her "of course it does" she smiled "how are you going to tell your dad?" She asked "the same way I told you" she said "although I think I'd just rather not be here when he finds out, I bet it's the one thing Elvis is glad of" she tried to smile her mum smiled "I'll tell him, you go out, go for a walk or something" she said Georgie nodded "thank you" she said wiping her eyes her mum smiled and Georgie headed upstairs to get changed. She put on some comfier clothes and then headed out. It was 3pm, she was walking down the high street when she walked past the estate agents. She took a deep breath and walked in. "Hello" she smiled "hello, what can we do for you?" The lady asked "um, I'm looking for a 2 bed house to rent around here as soon as possible please" she said the lady nodded "is there a hurry?" She asked smiling Georgie nodded "before I give birth?" She almost asked "oh, how long will that be?" The woman asked "about 12 weeks" she said sighing. "Okay if you fill out this form we will make sure to send you all of the houses available just fill out your occupation and husband/ boyfriend etc" she smiled Georgie's eyes filled up with tears she couldn't help it "I'm sorry did I say something?" She asked "no, no. I'm on my own, will I still be able to find somewhere I really can't stay with my parents with a baby" she said the woman nodded "sometimes a bit more tricky but of course you can" she smiled "I did have a partner before assumptions are made about the baby's father" she smiled "it's really none of my business" she smiled "fiancée actually, we were nearly married twice" she smiled to herself looking out of the window. "Your a soldier?" Asked the woman looking at her form "yeah, an army medic" she said "at least I am at the moment I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore" she said "is that what happened?" She asked "with my fiancée?" Asked Georgie the woman nodded "killed in an explosion, died in my arms" she almost cried the woman put a hand on her arm "I'm sorry" she said "no, no your fine, then I find out this little surprise and now, we'll life's got a tad tough" she smiled wiping her eyes the woman nodded "we will make sure to find you somewhere before this baby don't worry" she said Georgie nodded "thank you" she smiled standing up shaking her hand and walking out.

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