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Georgie and Charlie walked into his room and she sat down slowly on his bed "I'll go back to barracks" she said "why?" He asked "this is your bed Charlie where are you going to sleep?" She asked "I'll sleep on the sofa right there so there's someone next to you" he said she smiled tears in her eyes "this is such a fucking mess" she cried into her hands he held her close "I remember the last time you said that" he said "what?" She asked looking up "this is such a fucking mess, exactly in that tone" he smiled holding her close still "when?" She asked "when you were in a hospital bed, after the explosion I was so worried about you, where you admitted your feelings" he said she nodded "and then you said, hold me" he said "but you didn't have to say it this time" he smiled she smiled and just listened to his heat beating "but before you climb into bed I'm going to get you a pill and I'll grab your bag so you can get changed" he said she smiled "thank you" she said he smiled and headed out she just sat there nothing was hurting too badly whilst she was just sat there so she didn't move.
Charlie walked into the female bunks after shouting is everyone decent and picked up her bag "Richards" he smiled "is she alright?" She asked he nodded "well no, no she's not alright but she will be, she's going to stay with me, well I'm going to sleep on the sofa she could do with a good nights sleep" he said she nodded "tell her I send my regards" she said he nodded "I will" he smiled walking out. He walked to the medical supplies and saw Ruby "hi, I know this is a strange question but could I please have a morning after pill?" He asked he nodded "who for?" He asked "Georgie" he said he nodded and passed him one "take this one now and the next one the same time tomorrow" he said he nodded "I will thank you!" He said walking out.
He walked back in to Georgie and she smiled "you are allowed to move" he smiled "I know, it hurts to move" she said he nodded and passed her the pills and the bottle of water "take that one today and that one the same time tomorrow" he smiled she nodded "thank you Charlie I mean it" she said he smiled "I'd do anything for you" he said she nodded "I know" she said holding his hand. She took the pill and then he put her bag on the bed next to her and she rummaged through for a vest top and some shorts. She pulled them out along with her toothbrush and hairbrush and she walked into the bathroom slowly. She got changed carefully and slowly it took her 10 minutes and then Charlie got up "are you alright?" He asked knocking on the door she unlocked it and opened it nodding "it just took me a while to get my top off" she said putting some toothpaste on her toothbrush and brushing her teeth. He smiled at her and just stood at the doorframe watching her. She finished brushing her teeth and then picked up her hairbrush. She hadn't touched her hair in over 72 hours and the plaits were all knotted and her bun had fallen out. She lifted her arms to try to tackle it but her shoulders stiffened up and wouldn't let her. "Let me" said Charlie holding her hand as he walked back into the main room with her. He sat her down on the bed and stood behind her taking her hair bobble and pins out and then taking out the plaits that were almost extinct. Once he had managed to get them all out he started brushing her hair carefully trying not to move her shoulders or neck. She smiled as he finished her hair and she turned to face him slowly "you don't need to sleep on the sofa" she said he tilted his head. "We've slept together before Charlie I'm sure we will be fine to sleep in the same bed" she said "I just, I didn't want to... not after what you have been through" he said "you didn't want to scare me?" She asked he nodded sitting down holding her hand "you don't scare me, they do" she said he nodded "plus I'd quite like you to... I don't know... hold me" she said tears in her eyes he smiled wiping them away as they fell down her face. "Come on" he said moving the duvet back so she could climb in. He helped her into bed and she shuffled over to the wall it was only a single bed he smiled and took off his boots and his uniform climbing in to bed with a T-shirt and pants on. She just lied still "Charlie hold me" she started to cry he moved forward and wrapped his arms around her rubbing her back "as if enough hadn't gone wrong in my life" she cried he just held her close and she buried her head in his chest. "I've got you" he said "just try and get some sleep" he said she nodded and soon enough drifted off.

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