Getting her home

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They got back to base and Charlie held Georgie's hand "your safe here you know that?" He asked she nodded "I know" she said "in that case before we send you home let's get some food in you and make you a bit stronger hey?" He asked she nodded "I'm starving" she said he nodded and they walked to the canteen he filled her a plate up and put it down in front of her "thank you" she said "Georgie I know this isn't what you want to hear but why didn't you tell me when you found out, you've been on the frontline and you got beaten whilst you were pregnant how do you know everything's alright?" He asked "Doctor Antonio did an ultrasound a couple of days ago everything's fine" she said "what are you going to do George?" He asked "I don't know, I don't know" she repeated "it's just something that's half of him isn't it but I'm not sure if that's a good thing. I love my job Charlie I can't work here anymore can I?" She asked tears in her eyes putting her fork down "you can after you've had the baby" he said "no I can't it would of been okay if Elvis was still here we could take it in turns but I'm on my own I've got nowhere to leave the baby" she said "just know Lane there will always be a job here for you" he said she nodded "thank you" she said finishing eating. "Do you want anything else you haven't eaten properly and you are eating for two" he smiled she nodded. They walked up together and got some more food and sat down to eat until she couldn't eat anymore. They had filled her up a bit over the past 2 days and she looked better in herself. "A plane can take you home tomorrow Lane" said Charlie "what's the point Charlie, you leave in 4 days I may as well just stay and come home with you guys" she said he nodded "go and see if they have anything in the hospital they want you to do if you want something to do" he said she nodded "thank you, and I'm sorry for not telling you I know it was stupid I was just scared I haven't got Elvis to hold my hand Charlie I've got to do this on my own" she cried he hugged her and held her tightly "he loves you, he always will and he is looking down on you George, so so proud" he said she nodded wiping her eyes "go on" he said she nodded and walked off to the hospital.

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