✰Reactions to relationship ✰

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Note: I finally got 7/7 endings for yoosung and now I'm trying to get all of sevens. I have 5/7 and I think I just need the two Bad relationship endings. I'm still saving up for v and Saerans route sadly 😔✌️

Requested by @lunarmagicalarts

The RFA's reaction + your best friend's reaction to you guys dating! I hope this was accurate enough :)))

- Jaehee was jealous, and still believed that zen getting a girlfriend would ruin his career. Over time she noticed the way zen looked at you, and truly became fond of your guys's relationship and supported you.
- although jumin and zen never got along, he felt happy for zen and even congratulated him. Zen was taken back, he wasn't expecting to hear this from this cat whore. Zen appreciated the kind words, and you've been trying to convince him to be nicer to jumin.
- your best friend was SUPER happy for you, and wished you two the best. You would always send pics of you and zen to them, and they felt like a proud parent.
- Saeyoung wasn't surprised and often teased you guys by making weird and sometimes sexual jokes. He supports you guys, and would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous.
- Yoosung was like "😡😡😡 no how did this narcissist get a girlfriend before me." He never said this word for word, but gave off small signs that he was very desperate for a girlfriend after zen got one.

- Zen was in shock. How did this little man get a girlfriend before he did 🤨🤨🤨 zen always said that he'd protect you and if yoosung ever did something wrong, you tell him.
- Saeyoung was PUMPED! His best friend finally got a girl, something he thought would never happen. Since yoosung and seven were very close, you became closer to seven.
- your best friend thought you were dating a high school student at first. "WHY SOMEONE SO YOUNG" you told them he's a college student, "Oh" they supported you guys and made sure he was treating you right.
- V and yoosung never get along, but V still had a soft spot for yoosung and was happy he found someone. He did message him once congratulating him, and even though yoosung held a grudge against him, he sent a "thank you" message
- Jaehee was surprised that a guy as short as him, would get a girlfriend. Overtime, he found out that yoosung is a mature adult, and really is trying his best in the relationship. Jaehee shipped you guys hard.

- Once again Zen was shocked that this GOOF BALL got a girlfriend. Also wondering why a secret agent like him would be able to handle a relationship.
- yoosung was very happy for you guys, "awwww you two are absolutely adorable." he noticed the way you guys looked at each other and would fanboy on the inside about you guys.
- Jaehee was like 😳🤚 "h-how.....?" She didn't see it at first but you guys did have a lot of chemistry with each other. You both were goofballs, which made you perfect for each other, which jaehee approved.
- jumin was the most confused out of all of them. you and seven would always play pranks on jumin, and was always super confused. The other RFA members laughed about it the jokes, and how jumin didn't get any of them. He had a soft spot in his heart for you guys, he didn't show it at all but it was there.

- V called jumin that day and expressed his happiness about your relationship with Jumin. V supported you both and found you guys adorable, he just hopes that you're the one that jumin can spend the rest of his life with.
- Jaehee hopes that since he found a girlfriend, he would give her some days off so he can spend time with you. She thought wrong, but still admired Mr.Han for finding a girlfriend, she noticed how lonely he got and felt bad.
- Zen WAS FURIOUS. HOW DID THIS assHoLe get a girlfriend?!?! He's super jealous and angry at first, but after knowing a little more about your guys's relationship, he supports you two. But always warns jumin, "if you hurt her, don't be surprised when i kick your door down"
- Seven and Yoosung were hanging out with each other when they heard the news and looked at each like 🤨🤚 Seven wasn't very surprised since jumin had it all, money, fame and was an attractive man. Yoosung never thought jumin would actually get into a relationship since he's always cold.

- your best friend knew you came out as ______ and preferred women. They were always supportive of your choices, and wanted to know this women the second you mentioned her.
- Seven and Zen saw it coming, they noticed you two would flirt with each other, but tried not to make it obvious. They both cheered you on, and wished the best for you and the cafe.
- Jumin was very proud of his assistant, and he truly cares for jaehee. He's so glad that she found someone to make her happy, he doesn't show it the same way yoosung or seven would. But he gives you both a small smile, and hopes all goes well for you.
- Yoosung knew from the start that jaehee wasn't entirely straight, but super shocked when you two announced that you guys were dating. His face went 🥺😭 and hugged you both. Precious bean

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