✰Realize you have feelings for each other ✰

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Requested by Aiko-Chan4859

Enjoy!! :3

Zen 🎤
After the club, he noticed how you were drunk and falling all over the place. He offered to get you an Uber, so that you got home safe. He called a Uber, and helping you walk to the front door since you were stumbling all over. He walked you inside your home and grabbed you a glass of water, making sure you'd drink it and rest.

"Zenny, come sit down next to me" you smirked at him and drank your water. You patted on the spot next to you and he sat down, "are you going to be alright Y/N?"

You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder, "Yeah I'll be just fine" you locked eyes with him and he leaned in for a kiss. You both spent the night together, and that's when you both realized how you fell for each other.

Yoosung 🎮
A couple nights after the convention, you hopped onto your PC and loaded LOLOL. You played a couple rounds with your friends and then yoosung invited you to play with him. You joined the chat, "Hey yoosung. How you doing?"

Yoosung blushed, "I'm doing good! I just finished up my exams today. I'm so tired" he went onto the mic and started up a match. You both went on until 2 am playing LOLOL and talking.

You ended up getting off and yoosung was a little upset because he was having such a good time, "Bye y/n, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

He got off and called up seven, "Seven can I have some advice?" He laid into his bed and confessed, "there's this girl I met and I really like her. She's amazing, her voice is angelic, and I've never been so happy with someone." Seven gave yoosung on some advice on how to ask you out, but first he needed to build up some guilts to say something to you. 

Seven 💻
The night that he saw you in the coffee shop, you messaged him, "so was that really you that came to the store today?" Seven giggled, "you know it ^~^"

"will I be able to see my defender of justice tomorrow or no?" Your cheeks started getting warm, and hoped he wasn't creeped out by that message. Seven leaned back in his chair, "I doubt it, but it's always a possibility. I gtg, vanderwood is calling for me 😔" you turned off your phone and took a makeup wipe and washed your makeup off.

You stared into the mirror and noticed how red you were, "ahhh why do I always fall for the mysterious ones!!" You sighed and went to bed, "goodnight seven <33" you closed your eyes, hoping you'd be able to see him tomorrow. Seven checked his phone and smiled. He also might have thought about you in his dreams, but in a naughty way. (Lol I'm so used to writing lemons 👁👅👁)

Jumin 🐱
Jaehee left the restaurant, and you were waiting outside for a cab to bring you home. You were outside on your phone texting a friend. Jumin happened to see you leave, so he paid the bill and exited the restaurant.

He saw you waiting outside and walked up to you, "Y/n, don't you have a ride home? You shouldn't be out in the cold and pouring rain. You're gonna catch a cold." He looked at you with concern in his eyes, you looked up at him "I'm fine, don't worry. My cab should be pulling up any minute"

"Cancel the cab, I'm going to take you home, and make sure you're safe." He offered and called driver Kim to pull up to the front of the restaurant, "jumin are you sure? I feel bad" he didn't respond, just looked at you and smiled. Driver Kim pulled up, and Jumin opened the door for you, you got in enjoying the warmth of the limo.

Jumin got in, "its much warmer in here, isn't it?" He signaled driver Kim to start driving and he gave him your address. You only had a short dress on and so jumin handed you his jacket since your dress was soaked, "thank you jumin" you wrapped yourself up in it, enjoying its warmth.

Then you felt his body move inches towards you, and his long arms wrapped around your petite frame, "this feels really nice." You closed your eyes, falling asleep in his arms, savoring this moment. He eventually had to wake you up when they arrived at your home. Jumin walked you up to the front door, and before you walked inside, he whispered something in your ear and started walking back to the limo.

You blushed and looked at him like 🥺. You walked inside and took off your heels, as looked in the freezer for some ice cream. You sat on the couch and were non stop thinking about what Jumin said to you.

Jaehee ☕️
After the pride parade, she sent you a couple photos of herself, with a pride flag. You replied, "you look so cute 🥺" you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment and saw that she was typing back, "thank you! You also looked great at the parade."

You sent her a selfie but there was a little cleavage showing, but nothing too crazy, "Y/N!! I wasn't not expecting this, but thank you. Can you call in 5 minutes?" Your heart skipped a beat and when you went into the call, jaehee ranted about all the work jumin had given her. You offered to help her, anytime she needed it, and so she agreed and asked for you to come over.

You smiled and got ready, "I can't wait to see you, jaehee" you got off the phone and went through the door.

Jaehee was sitting at her desk, thinking about what's gonna happen when you get here. She giggled and stood up aggressively, "holy-, am I in love with this girl?!?" Jaehee blushed and put her hand over her heart, "yes, yes I am"

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