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It's literally 1:19am when I'm writing this because I just remembered that I didn't have a chapter '0.0' in this book.

I honestly don't know where to start! I have so much to say yet my mind is jumbled and full of other thoughts.

I'm going to start by saying THANK YOU!

I feel some people aren't grateful for all the people who read and comment on their stories. I cannot even begin to tell all of you just how much you mean to me.

You've helped me through some very tough times in my life and if you ever need to talk please message me! Think of me as your crazy, wine aunt or your free therapist!

Moving swiftly on, the first book in this series 'Audacious' is currently on 263k reads...do you know how insane that is?! When I saw I cried for a solid half an hour because I couldn't believe my eyes.

I couldn't believe how far my little Amber had come, and how much people were willing to read about her.

The truth is, I create so many books with so many storylines but none of them can compare to this series. I tend to rarely update my other books as I struggle to find the motivation and inspiration but with this series, it came easily.

Amber was the only OC I truly got to know, inside and out. I broke her down and analyzed everything about her but unfortunately, her time had come to an end.

Luminous is the last book in the Wisteria series and I cannot tell you just how weird it feels to be finally letting go of my first baby.

Anyway, here we are, the start of book four! I hope you enjoy it but before I go, I must acknowledge something.


Hate is something that I don't tolerate and will delete if I find any. This is a positive, safe place for all and seeing hate comments really brings a girl down.


So without further ado, I introduce my third novel,


✔️|4| 𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 [Endgame]  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ