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 So here is a new book.




"Luis! Stop it, you annoying potent rodent!" I screeched at my all black cat.

His eyes twitch as he gave me the evil 'i hate you, human' eye. 

I was on my way to work at the club when my cat jumped in my car. Sadly i didn't have the time to return him. If i was late then i'd lose my job, and i just cant afford that right now. I can barley cover my bills and rent, let alone buy my fatass food.

Yeah, i wasn't the smallest thing in the world. I hated my body. I was 194 pounds of ice cream and pop tarts. 

"Damn it light!" i muttered and slammed on my breaks, barley not hitting the very nice Cadillac in front of me. 

Damn rich asses. 

I sighed and thanked god that the light turned quickly.

It only took me another five minutes until i pulled into the Sleepless! club. Yeah, it a stip joint where all the skanky women work. I am not one of them. I simply wait on tables, and get to wear simple shorts and and a shirt with the company name on it. 

I sighed and let my bright died red hair fall in its waviness, and pushed my bangs to the side. 

"Be good Luis. I only work for four hours. Your little is on a piece of newspaper if you got to do your dirty business." i muttered to my cat. 

Thank the heavenly lord that i just bought cat litter and was to lazy to take it inside. I grabbed my purse and walked slowly into the smoked up club. Men were scattered everywhere.

"Myranda! You're here!" my only friend, Beany said. 

I smiled, "Yeah, I'm covering for Courtney. How your dancing going?"

Beany frowned, "i hate why guys touch me like i am a piece of meet. I know i'm a stripper but that doesn't mean I'm a cheap flousy.

I laughed. Beany was probably the only one in this club who strips without having sex with the customers. She was the only one with respect. I knew she worked here because in New York without a degree it was hard to land a decent job, but she should really try to get away. She was doing much better on finances than i was, all thanks to her "tips".

"I know. Just wack the men!" i giggled, and she smiled back.

"Beany! Come on, your on." the manager, Wyat yelled.

Waving my friend goodbye, i quickly made my way to the kitchen to get my apron.

"Hey My, there's three tables of guys out there. One of the tables looks real bad. You know what to do if they do anything." Conny smiled at me warmly.

I nodded, and grabbed my pad and a pen.

I made my way to my section and saw the three rounded tables full of men. One table had nerdy looking guys who were obviously out of place, another had some country looking guys. The last one made my heart race though. These guys looked dangerous as all hell. 

I shook my head and reminded myself that i was the unattractive waitress therefore they wouldn't touch me. I've never been grabbed or anything.

I quickly took the nerds and country people orders and slowly made my way over to the other table. 

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