chapter 3-horny ass wolves!

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Sohereischapter 3!







demonromance~sex. love. humans.



They freaking blindfolded me all the was to their hide out. Damn jerks!

I could feel them grinning the whole damn time.


They didn't even take it off when we go to the house. Nope. They must be into bondage. s&m. Some 50 Shades of Gray shit.

My wolf was upset too but for totally different reasons.

She was upset because she couldn't seehim.

Like are you serious.

I was scolding her again and again but she was to busy pouting.

Well pout away. I would rather stab my eyeballs with a forks than see him.

She growled at me.

What I saw , she saw. All of our senses were the same.

I felt a finger trace my jaw, sending tingles through me.

I felt my mouth open slightly at the sensation.

His laugh boomed,"oh. You are so sensitive, dear."

His breathe tickled my ear.

I wanted to come up with a retort but I couldn't think of one.

Finally the blindfold was unknotted and a bright light made me woozy for a moment.

My pupils dilated quickly.

There were three other guys in a room.

I looked around and saw the room was huge. It had wooden walls, and high angled ceilings. A huge fan hung down from where the slanted ceiling met, which related a flat wooden surface. There was a large fireplace in front of me with white leather couches sitting directly before it. A coffee table sat between the couches. There was tons of widows. The place was gorgeous and homey. Not to mention over the top expensive.

"Fay." Sebastian said, suddenly with a harsh and total 'alpha babe' tone.

Oh, how my wolf loved it.

I looked at him.

"This is Zeke. Our Beta. And this is Curtis.. Our third in command. Men. She is your Luna."

The men smiled at me, and bowed their heads slightly to show their respect. I smiled back nervously. I never though of being treated this way.

I took in the men. Zeke was maybe 6'2 with blonde short hair and of course of nice frame to look at. Curtis was pretty short- just a few inches taller than my 5'4 frame. He had red hair and lots of cute freckles. His eyes were a lovely gray contrast, and he too looked well built.

A growl interrupted my ogoling. Apparently Sebastian didn't enjoy the was I was taking in the men.

I rolled my eyes.

"We're going upstairs. Now." he said to me.

I gulped.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

I was pulled rather roughly up the stairs.

Once we went into a room down a long wooden hall, he let go.

I rubbed my sore, red wrist and muttered, "could of been more gentle."

"Gentle."he scoffed.

I gave a mean look, and he replied with a dangerous, intimidating one.

Then I noticed my wolf.

(Bold italics is her wolf taking)

'Bed. Mate. Sex. Now. Please.'

Ugh! I have a perverted wolf trying to put me into heat.

Oh my god...if I'm aroused he will...smell it.

He gave me a 'what in the hell are you twitching for' look before his eyes went totally black.

Guess he figured it out. How dare she put me in heat! Why did I get the wolf who knew how to do that?

I bite my lip, ignoring my swollen feeling belly.

He wanted me.

I wanted him.

His body was then on mine.

"You. Are. Mine." he growled, his happy friend pressing tenderly into my hip.

His waist and legs were the only body part on me. He had his are stretched out. and he was staring at me.

I could feel him lose control.

I could hear me far away from controlled.

I needed him.

So fucking much.

And I hated that.


So... you think they'll do it?

Sadly I don't even know that answer c;

Again thank you so much and I'm sorry this was so short. it is very time consuming to type on a smart phone. Again give me ideas!

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