Chapter Eight

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Gahh, I'm so so sorry that it's been so long since my last update. I've been really sick and just haven't been able to really do much of anything. Please don't hate me! I'm also sorry that this is kinda shorter than normal, it was more of a filler chapter than a full-fledged chapter, so that's why. I also have an announcement. I'm planning on doing a contest for the second books cover.  So, let me know what you think, who all would be interested in it. If I get enough hit's on it I will start that contest - I.E. release rules, what I'm looking for, time frame, that sort of thing, and in the last chapter of this story I will announce the winner!! As always it's great to see everyone reading and if you like don't foreget to drop me off a heart and a comment! 
        Propterea enim veni. Et vici. I legitur.

        Fred and I left the Three Broomsticks shortly after my revaluation, moving briskly though the quickly falling snow, full of warm butterbeer and chocolate. While we had been occupied in the pub it had begun to snow much, much harder than it had previously and it was bitterly cold outside. Huge flakes fell from the heavy, grey clouds and clung to Fred hair and clothes, just as it was clinging to mine, I was sure. While Fred bemoaned the cold weather I couldn't help but feel excited for winter's arrival, even if it did mean I would be spending much of my time chilled to the bone.

        We were nearly halfway to Hogwarts when I felt Fred's eyes fall on me, and I turned back to see him smiling crookedly. 

        "What?" I asked, my voice sounding muffled due to the snow fall.

        "You've got snow in your hair." He said softly, reaching out and wrapping the dark tresses around his fingers.

        I laughed, shaking my head to loosen the flakes. "So do you." I stated happily, pointing toward his fiery red hair.  

        Fred looked shocked for a moment, before grinning widely. "How dare these cold, wet flakes flock to my beautiful crimson hair" He cried out indignantly, shacking his head violently, causing the snow to shift and fall away.

        I laughed, eyes bright, and Fred smiled, slipping his arm around my waist. I startled slightly, surprised by his action, but soon relaxed, my cheeks turning rosy despite the cold.

        The rest of the walk passed quietly, the only sound being our shoes as they crunched into the snow and our quite breathing. Fascinated, I watched as our breath mingled together and swirled in the frigid air. One moment the mist would look like the sun and moon, shining down happily on rolling hills, the next it was two warriors, clashing against one another with steel swords. I didn't realize it, but I was smiling faintly, my eyes bright and Fred couldn't take his eyes off of me. 

        When we finally made it to the castle I decided to head up to my dorm to make sure that my packages had arrived safely and hide them before any of my dorm mates decided to get nosy. It would have been hard to explain away the presents. Luck was on my side and none of the girls were around, their bags no where to be seen. I had arrived first, giving me enough time to shift things beneath my bed and slide the packages beneath them. I would wrap them as soon as the other students left for the winter break and send them out soon after.

        Yawning widely, I slipped from my clothes and jumped into the showers, allowing the hot water to soak into my chilled skin. My outfit might have been gorgeous, but it hadn't done much to keep me warm. Once I stepped out I quickly dried off quickly while running a brush through my hair, which was snarled from the cold winter's wind.  Stretching my hands high over my head I sighed as my spine crackled and popped then dressed in comfortable clothes, not really caring what they looked like. 

        Smiling, I headed back downstairs, vaguely wondering where the girls where.

        When I re-entered the Common Room I found George laying across the brilliant red love seat, a book in his lap as he watched the fire. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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