Chapter Four

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Well, then, it's been a few days since I've visited you all my dearies. So great, that I can see that I've gotten a few more readers ^_^ As always remember to throw out a comment if you'd like to see more posted, a heart never hurts either. *wink wink* Hope you all enjoy this chapter, it's taken me a while to work out and get right. This chapters Soundtrack consists of an amazing song by Fall Out Boy: "Where Did The Party Go?"
        Propterea enim veni. Et vici. I legitur.

        Late one Tuesday evening I found myself sitting in the chilly locker rooms on the edge of the Quidditch field.

        "This is our last chance - MY last chance - to win the Cup." He stated seriously as he paced before us, staring at the ground with hard eyes. "I'm leaving at the end of this year. For good. I'll never get another shot at it."

        Pausing, he looked up to us with horrified expression. I noticed that Fred and George were spending their time mocking him, lip syncing to what he was saying, while Angelina and Katie giggled madly. It seemed like Harry and I were the only one's really listening to him. "We've lost seven years in a row. We've had some of the worst luck in the school. And then, what with the tournament getting called off last year . . . " Wood swallowed, clearly upset over the thought. "But we Also know that we've got the best - ruddy - team - in - the - school!" He nearly yelled, hitting his fist into his other hand with every word.

        "We've got three of the best Chasers that ever were." He stated, pointing at Katie, Angelina and myself. Well, more my broom than me.

        "We've got two unbeatable Beaters!" Spinning, he motioned toward Fred and George, both of whom pretended to blush.

        "Stop it, Oliver -" Fred started, fanning his face.

        "You're embarrassing us." George finished, ginning widely.

        "And we have a seeker who has never failed to win us a match!" He exclaimed, ignoring the twins. "And me." He seemed to add as an after thought.

        "We think you're very good too, Oliver." Said George.

        "Spanking good Keeper." Continued Fred, winking at me with a smile.

        Smiling slightly, Wood started pacing once more. "The point is that the Quidditch Cup should have had our name on it the last two years! Ever since Harry joined the team, I've thought the thing was in the bag. But we haven't't gotten it, and this year's the last chance I'll get to finally see our names on the thing. . . "

        He looked so forlorn that even Fred and George looked sympathetic.

        "This year's our year, Oliver!" Fred nearly yelled, throwing his fist in the air.

       "Definitely." Harry and I stated at the same time, causing the team to laugh loudly.

       And so, full of determination, we started training three times a week. The weather was starting to get colder and wetter, fall and winter slowly setting in, but no amount of mud or wind or rain would stop our training sessions. Not when Oliver had filled our minds eye with the image of the huge, silver Quidditch Cup.

       I was walking back to the Gryffindor Commen Room one evening, cold and stiff but happy with Fred and Harry walked on either side of me, while George and Oliver walked a little ahead. The girls had stayed behind to shower so that they wouldn't be walking though the school covered in water and mud,  but I didn't care to. When we walked through the portrait hole we found the whole room buzzing excitedly.

       "What's going on?" Harry asked, looking around with wide eyes.

       "No clue." I mock whispered. "Maybe you should ask Hermione. She know's everything, doesn't she?"

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