Chapter Five

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"Come on, Kaye! It's cold out here!"

        "Fred, it's not cold out here, you just want to go to eat." I called back, spinning with my arms held out.

        Fred laughed. "You got me. But it really is cold out here, see, I can see my breath!"

        Laughing, I spun again, faster this time, breathing in the fresh scent of pine needles and cold, wet things. It was nearing time to head back to the castle, but I wanted to enjoy my last few moments out in the open to their fullest.

      "Kaye, give it up. I can hear your stomach growling, too. Hey, watc-!" Fred stopped mid-sentence when I crashed into him, my momentum sending us both to the ground. After a moment, I started laughing.

       "Gods, I'm sorry Fred!" I apologize between giggles. Staggering to my feet I brushed dead leaves from my sweater before offering a hand to help the red head to his feet.

       Fred smiled, taking my hand and pulling himself up from the ground. "Don't apologize. It's an everyday thing, you know? Having girls fall head over heels for me." He joked, shivering slightly.

       I covered my mouth to muffle the giggle trying to escape and threw my arm around his waist. "You really are cold, aren't you? Let's head back, before you freeze to death."

       "If you hadn't kept me outside all day I would have to worry about freezing to death." Fred crocked.

        Sighing, I shook my head and shifted, kneeling down so that I was as low as I could possibly go, but Fred didn't seem to notice. It wasn't until I growled softly that he turned back, his eyes going wide.

        "I thought that you didn't want any of us riding you anymore?" He asked.

       I rolled my eyes at his comment, turning my head slightly so I knew he would be able to see, and growled once more. Fred shrugged, nearly running back to my side so that I would have time to change my mind. When he finally settled behind my shoulder blades I took off, running as quickly as I could, yipping when Fred screamed out and fell forward, clutching the fur at my neck in a death grip. I was running much faster than I had the first day of classes, going a little over eighty miles an hour, and didn't slow until I reached the large metal doors of entrance hall, causing several students to scream. When I finally came to a skidding halt Fred moaned softly, slipping from my back to land on the stone floor with a thud.

       "Don't you . . . ever . . . do that . . . again!" He groaned out, looking pale.

       Shifting, I laughed, and bent down to help him to his feet. "I didn't know you got motion sickness."

       "I don't! But when stuff is going by you at a hundred miles an hour it tends to make even the most salt worthy man feel sick to his stomach." He retorted, wobbling slightly as we ventured into the Great Hall.

       "Oh, give me a break. You go faster than that on your broom!" I retorted in a dignified manor, slipping next to Angelina while Fred sat at my other side.

       "Yeah, but on a broom I can control where I'm going!" Laying his head against the table, Fred groaned once more, drawing the attention of his twin.

       "Ask her!" Fred cried out in an accusing manor.

       "All I did was give him a lift back to the school! It's not my fault he got motion sickness!" I defended myself, throwing my hands up in the air.

       Angelina chuckled, throwing her arm around my shoulders with a shrug. "He'll get over it soon enough, don't worry. Now, after we left the Three Broomsticks were did you go?"

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