The spirit

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(The drawing above is what the character looks like, those red, blue and yellow things are feathers which she uses like throwing knifes, the red kills, the blue puts the victim to sleep and the yellow causes a cloud sand as a cover, it takes a few minutes for new feathers to reappear after she throws them.)

"Pínche (fucking) jerk, hasn't he ever heard of no littering?"
I bent down and picked up a metal coke can that a guy a few moments before left on the beach.
"Meh, I'll just dump some sand in his food as revenge."
I clasped my fingers around the cylinder of tin studying it's surface, I heaved a sigh. It was hard to believe just two years ago I became a spirit. My family still comes to the beach but their not as happy as they use to be. Tania refused to let Gabriel anywhere near the water, Eric was always arguing with her and my mom.. She would just sit on the porch and stare at the sea mumbling things under her breath. I try my best to make their stay as nice as possible. I make sure the waters warm, that the sun isn't too hot, heck I even place the best Sea shells right next to their house as a gift, it works but only for a few hours and then they go back to mourning. I tighten my grip around the can causing it to bend a little, I stare down at my bright blue and yellow tattoos that encircle my arms, legs and even some on my face, I hadn't notice my change in appearance until I came a across the broken shard of a mirror and notice the changes, my once brown hair resembled what I thought of a peacock or parakeet tail, my dark brown eyes where swirling with turquoise, yellow, green, and brown colors. My clothes were a different story, I got tired of my swimsuit and shorts so I made a skirt out of palm leaves and a top out of seaweed and rope, I remember when I fell asleep one time and woke up with a string of feathers attached to my skirt, I found out the hard way what the blue ones did and I accidentally killed a bird while using the red feathers for target practice. I I walk towards a garbage can and placed the can in it. I turn around to face the sea and I smiled, no matter how many times I see it I never get tired of the view, the setting sun caused an array of colors ranging from red to gold, the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore was mesmerizing, I close my eyes and inhale the salty air and open them again,All of a sudden a black blur passes front of me.
Startled I stumble back a little, in front of me I see paw prints in the sand, long ones. My gaze follows the paw prints up to the mangrove. I lift off the ground and float towards the groove, I land at the start of the groove and see a tuff of grey fur snagged onto a twig, I gaze forward and see broken branches and more tiffs of fur, I step in and follow the trail.
I stop in the middle of the groove and look around me. The trial stops here,, that's weird. I hear rustling and splashing behind me and what's ever back there sounds big. I grip one of my feathers, the blue ones and walk towards sound slowly making as little noise I can walking through tangled rots and water. All of a sudden the rustling stops. And I relax a bit.
"What do you plan on doing with that feather exactly Sheila? Tickle me to death?"
I whip around to see what looks like a kangaroo? No it's a rabbit, a 7-foot one at that. he's twirling a boomerang between his fingers smirking at me.
"Your shorter than I imagined."
He chuckled.
My face burns and I clench my fists.
"Just who exactly are you?"
I say through gritted teeth.
"All in do time but for now.. Fellas?"
A hand grabs my shoulder and pulls me back, I shriek and stab the hand with my feather, I hear what sounds like a mix between a growl and a whimper. The hand goes limb and I here something fall down behind me with a splash and a thud I reach for another blue one and aiming g it at the rabbit. He reacts by swinging his boomerang at me but I duck and throw the feather at him, it hits his paw and he goes limp and lands in the water. All of a sudden I'm shoved into a sack.
I curse and scream in Spanish and English. Then I hear a loud boom behind me and I'm being sucked into something.
I come in contact with something hard.
"ow! Que en la chingao (what the hell)"
The opening of the sack is loose and I push the bright red material out of the way, I hear muttering and hushed voices, the light blinds me for a sec and then my vision comes into focus.
"Holy shit."

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