New Guardian

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"This had better be good north, I was just in the middle of a snowball fight."
Huffed Jack as he landed in North's workshop where the other guardians had gathered. Sandy was flashing signs back forth above his head, tooth was giving orders to her fairies zipping back and forth as if she ran only on caffeine, Bunnymund was giving North the glare while twirling a boomerang between his fingers.
"I know, I know you all busy but this is serious,."
Tooth quite down her fairies and the others turned to look at north.
"Pitch was here at the Pole."
It felt like a cold wind pass them as he said the name.
"Wait pitch Black? That's impossible, the we defeated him two years ago."
Jack exclaimed gripping his staff more tightly.
Bunny stopped twirling his boomerang and stood straight.
" Technically we didn't defeat him, fear can't go away for ever but I agree with frost on this one, he shouldn't have the strength to return, especially after two years."
"Oh so what? Your an expert on dark spirits now?"
Bunnymund turned to glare at Jack Frost, the winter spirit just smirked.
"Hey just being honest here kangaroo."
Bunnymund took a step towards frost with his paw tightly gripping on his boomerang. Tooth placed herself between the two and shoot both of them a 'Please get along for at least a few hours' look. She then turned to north.
"Well what happened exactly north?"
" I came out and one of my elves looked like well.."
North stepped out of the way to show a Yeti holding a glass box. Inside was the elf, it growled and snarled like a wild animal and Scratched at the surface of the box, it's cold amber eyes sent a chill down the guardians backs.
"Is that an elf?"
Asked Jack cautiously approaching the creature.
"Yes.. There black sand swirling around him and then black sand covered the globe and then I heard a laugh."
"He is back."
Tooth looked at sandy who had a symbol of pitch above his head.
While the guardians discussed what to do sandy looked up and saw the sun of all things appearing and heading closer to the workshop. He waves his hands frantically to get the guardians attention but no success, after a few minutes he grabbed an elf by the hat and shook it violently. That got the others attention. Sandy dropped the elf, a sign of the sun appeared above his head and he pointed to the one in the sky.
"The sun?!"
Tooth exclaimed.
"The last Time we came in contact with him was 400 years ago."
Bunny stared at the blazing ball squinting his eyes.
"Wait you guys talk to the sun too?"
Jack gazed at it his mouth hanging open
"Yes booth sun and moon watch over us but moon mostly do work. It's been a long time my friend! What is big news?"
Soundly a hatch opened and a crystal came out of the ground.
"*gasp* He's choosing a new guardian!"
Tooth exclaimed clapping her hands.
"This soon? Two years after we got frost? It's already a handful with him around!"
Bunny said hopping back and forth.
"I wonder who it's going to be.."
Mumbled north
Tooth put her finger to her mouth and pointed at the crystal. The image of a 17 year old girl appeared, wearing skirt made of palm leaves and feathers. She held a feather between each finger and a thick braid of wavy hair hung over her shoulder.
"Who's she?"
Jack was the first to break the silence.
A question mark appeared over sandy's head.
"She does look familiar." north stroked his beard.
He then snapped his fingers
"Oh I know who she is!"
He went into his office and came back carrying a thick leather book. He opened it and flipped through the pages mumbling to him self.
"Aha! Found her!"
He pointed at the page his eyes wide with excitement, he turned the book around to show it. on the page was an exact illustration of the girl in the crystal.
"Flora mar (sea) or Flora Marisol (sea and sun), spirit of the carribeann, summer, Puerto Rico.."
"But why haven't we ever heard of her."
Jack said leaning in to take a closer look at the illustration, north sighed and closed the book.
"She is recent spirit, two year ago she saved her nephew from drowning but she ended up taking his place. But she managed to save nephew"
North looked at the crystal image with a grim expression.
"Sun saw her act of selflessness and turn her into spirit."
Bunny's nose wrinkled and a look of confusion crossed his face.
"But if she's a recent spirit then why do we need her? She's not that experienced."
"If the sun suggested her then she must have something special, we should at least give her a chance."
Jack said while leaning on his staff staring at the girl, he felt like he's seen her before but he couldn't put his finger on it.
"It is settled then, we have a new guardian.Now who is going to get her? "
"I can't I'd probably cause the same chaos I did when I visited Egypt."
Jack cringed at the memory.
" I'll go."
Bunny stepped forward.
" okay but please don't try and intimidate her.."
Tooth was cut short by north opening the portal and bunny and two yetis with a sack jumped through.
"A sack really?"
Jack looked quizzically at north. He shrugged and give a small grin.
"It worked with you no?"
Jack face palmed

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