Ch.20 Getting ready

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On the night where Peter has viewed the Battle of All for One and All Might, Peter told Midoryia that Tomorrow we would practice our skill for the upcoming final battle. Next Morning, Midoryia and Peter woke up very early like around 7:00 A.M and they both changed into work out clothes and they both leave their rooms and meet on the living room

Peter Parker: Morning Midoryia, you ready for a day of training?

Izuku: you bet! but don't you think we should eat something before we start?

Peter parker: oh...yea we should, Let's eat something Light their any leftover donuts?

Izuku: no, Sato ate them

Peter parker: god dam it Sato...i'm gonna make sure he eats a salad next time.

Izuku: * laughs a bit* we can eat cereal for now

Peter Parker: sure i suppose * walks to the cabinet* um...what kind of cereal you guys have?

Izuku: we have Honey flavored cereal and Fruit, and frosted.

Peter Parker: aww no chocolate Cereal? oh well then i guess...I'll take the frosted one * grabs the box and looks at it checking if it's Frosted flavored cereal*

Izuku: * grabs two bowls* You eat your cereal with banana slices?

Peter Parker: what? No

Izuku: oh ok then * grabs a banana from the fridge and the gallon of milk*

Peter Parker: * puts the box of cereal on the table and takes a seat and opens the box then pulls out the bag of the Cereal* 

Izuku: * sits down as well and gives him his bowl*

Peter Parker: thanks bro * pours the Cereal on my bowl*

Izuku: * pours the Milk first*

Peter Parker: * sees* dude really? you pour the Milk first?

Izuku: yea i do, you don't?

Peter parker: no! that's lame bro

Izuku: what?! nope, it's better it saves the cereal from being soggy 

Peter Parker: cereal taste better when it's soggy bro

Izuku: have you been hit on the head? because that's not right for a human being * laughs*

Peter Parker: nope * gives you the bag of cereal* Just me

Izuku: * pours the cereal then chops the banana into slices*

Peter Parker: aye dude pass the Milk * grabs the milk and pours it on my cereal and eats*

While Peter and Izuku are eating, Momo and Tsuyu wake up as well and they both brush their teeth and walk out of their room

Izuku: done!

Peter parker: * drinks the milk from the bowl and finishes* done as well 

Both Peter and izuku put their bowl in the sink, Momo and tsuyu walk down stairs talking as they see Peter and izuku walking out in their workout clothes

Tsuyu: are they gonna?

Momo: practice, yes 

Izuku: what's first? 

Peter Parker: well first, we run for an hour 

Izuku: wait what!?...

Peter Parker: hey, we gotta warm up come on let's go * starts to jog*

Izuku: oh well...* follows him while jogging*

Tsuyu: * sees through the window* They are taking this seriously huh?

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